
Fajrin Mima
3 min readMay 4, 2024


Photo by Waldemar on Unsplash

Linguaphile term means a person who loves languages and words. Do you think this term related to the other terms about language?
If your answer is yes, and it’s "polyglot" —a person who can writing and reading so well in many languages, I think so. The first term is the reason and the second one is the result.

Before I know those terms, I just surprised by my teacher in high school because she was polyglot. I just can't think how can people can speak, write, and understand so many languages. And I don't understand yet about the connection between these two terms. Because I thought it was impossible to love languages that we never talked before, it's just crazy.

But don't get me wrong, I can understand it now. Albeit in my case, I start to learn other languages when I was 13 Yo, and I did that by force and without any conscious. I learned Arabic and English there, but in a long time I was falling in love with Arabic language. This was the first time I love language, and understand linguaphile term.

After 10 years, I almost forgot how to feel falling in love with something abstract like languages, until I remember that one year ago I went to the Cairo International Book Fair (CIBF) —This book fair we'll known as number two of the biggest international book fair— Certainly so many people went to this place, albeit for buying books or just take around the place for enjoying food outside the Hall.

And I went to that place for the first reason. Absolutely I was not alone there, because all of students who love to read definitely come to this place. Most of them —and me too—saved money for along time before we go so we can buy many books we need.

When I was take around to see books that I interested in, I saw small book laying on the one shelf of the translated books tent. I took that book I asked the seller,

"How much is it?”

"500 Le.”

My expression just bewildered, because the book just too small, and I thought that didn’t worth to buy by that price. I try to get information about this book by opening it in a short time,

"Ah this is translated from Deutsch, okay I wouldn’t buy it, but I will learn Deutsch," I mumbled.

This occasion was encouraged me to learn Deutsch, albeit I do know how to start. I try to search some app on my phone and I got Duolingo. Till now I still use this app to learn and today my day streaks counted 342 days, it means almost one year. I don’t realize that I can do it every day within 15 minutes, because it seems like a game, learning with fun way. And this learning was become my new hobby.

I have ever watched Duolingo’s founder speech on TED talk, Louis von Ahn. On his speech, he emphasizes to make learning fun, and the learner will enjoy the process, till he reminds me to notice how duolingo’s notifications work. "Absolutely our notification is not make sense, the learner doesn’t pay attention to the message that we delivered to, if you notice every notifications that we shared just contain our character there, and we make a notification like "Hey, it’s Zari, don’t let me angry." Absolutely who care she is angry?

Lol, I just realized to. But even I knew what Louis trick already, I still open the app quickly so I can’t lose my day streaks.

Till now, I don't even know what my purpose to learn this language. But what I feel the benefit from it is, when I read book about the philosophy of Deutsch philosopher (Heidegger for example) this language make me easier to understand the thinker terms, like erklären, verstehen, in der Welt sein. And also the reason why these terms always around process and noun, and so far I got the answer because language also give us the way to think through its grammar.

By other languages I can to expand my knowledge, my business, getting more friends in another country.

To sum up…

Language is nothing, but with it we can to make life more easier and with it we can increase our value, in the whole sides of life.

Happy learning, and thank you for reading!

