
Cheers to Day One of New Beginnings

Setting the stage and scripting my life for the years ahead

Ka Falcon
3 min readJan 2, 2022


An image of stone-like 2022 with the Earth in place of the zero and the author photoshopped herself in the image, waving to the readers.
photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash | edited by me

[update] I’m writing again

I haven’t written in nearly four months, but I wanted to make it a point to post at least a little something on day one of this promising new year. 2021 has been an exceptionally challenging year, to state the obvious.

So, while briefly recapping why I haven’t written in months, I want my focus to be on the positive and what I hope to script for my new life. I plan on rebuilding my life through dedication to meditation, spiritual practice, making new friends, and finding more joy that life has to offer. There are truly unlimited opportunities.

Damage Control

For myself in 2021, I ended a toxic relationship that had been eroding my soul for too long. I hadn’t anticipated the time it takes to recover, even though I was the one who called it quits. Only after ending our courtship and only after weeks of debilitating grief, deep, bedridden depression, therapy, medication and finally enough strength to take some steps for me to dig into some personal work toward progress did I begin to see the damage another being had wrecked upon my psyche and soul.

Although that abysmal description above paints a picture that one can presume he must have been a monster, we are still friends. He’s got serious issues and I’ve got my own issues as well. Nonetheless, I love him sincerely, always will. Neither of us can imagine not being a part of each other's lives, so we choose to remain friends.

I am recovering from the damage. I have learned what I am willing to tolerate and stuff I will never again accept or justify away. I am also learning about myself — as it should be. I am nowhere near ready nor wanting to date again; I’ve got enough work to do on myself that will keep me busy this year.

I am taking steps to make very big changes in my life.

This year I plan to move, most likely to another state, (as yet undecided). Ideally, I’d love to be one of those traveling bloggers living out of my somewhat luxury van or camper — but I’m not set up for that, yet. Road trips with my car, yes, road trips are on the itinerary for this year.

Along with moving (to get out of Las Vegas and away from the haunting memories), I am making other changes in my life. I joined a monthly subscription group of sorts of like-minded new friends fascinated by the same folly metaphysical phenoms life throws our way. I have had paranormal experiences my entire life and it’s nice to be immersed with a group of people who neither judge nor poke fun at subjects beyond the everyday ‘normal’ third-dimensional world.

Bye, Karen

And the biggest change I am making this year, drumroll…… I am legally changing my name. There is so much negativity surrounding the name, Karen. For a while, I thought I could tolerate it, laugh it off, accept it as simply a part of the fabric, but no. It occurred to me the other day, as long as I am taking steps to not only clear negativity from my life and steps to proactively work on improving my life, bingo, I can change my name!

Feeling much better, recovering out of this very bad episode of deep depression, amicable with my ex, finding more new friends, moving and changing my name. Yes, 2022 is promising great rewards.

I wish you all the BEST of all that life has to offer. Happy New Year!

I left Las Vegas January 2023 and have been living on the road full-time, traveling state to state. If you enjoy my content and would like to contribute, there are multiple ways to help.

Reading more of my content on Medium, sharing my content links on your social media, donations to my cashapp or venmo (username (at)falconsays, or buy me a cup of coffee. — Your support would go toward vehicle maintenance and other various expenses. — Eventually, I would like to earn enough livable income to stop doing delivery work.



Ka Falcon

FT Nomad traveling America | Former Las Vegas Cabbie | Hobby Photographer, Storyteller