Xircus NFT: Create your own NFT Marketplace

Fallon Liconas
5 min readAug 17, 2021


Xircus NFT

The cryptocurrency market is becoming more and more vibrant, recently, after the confirmation of the participation of many large corporations in this field, the crypto market has become more and more attractive to investors, and above spirit of searching and sharing with you about blockchain technology projects. And even in this article, you have probably heard about blockchain projects that are researching and developing products about data, I believe that when sharing with this project, you will be very excited about what it can deliver.

About Xircus

Xircus is the world’s first multi-chain gamified DAO platform that allows users to create and deploy custom NFT marketplaces. In a few easy steps, Xircus users can create and launch a personalised NFT trading platform absolutely free of cost. A powerful, unique, and automated tool that empowers artists, influencers, content creators, collectors, and brands by allowing them to create a personalised NFT marketplace, Xircus is a pan-dimensional gateway to the world of non-fungible digital assets. Our decentralized software as a service (DSaaS) model makes the platform accessible to all. It is the easy, secure, time-efficient, and cost-less way to develop a personal market for your NFTs.

Xircus Technology

Deployer Studio: The ultra-powerful tool that allows Creators to deploy their NFT marketplace in six easy steps

Auction: Using the Auction tool members on the Xircus platform can participate in auction pools and their subpools with custom rates and finder’s fee configuration. The auction pool contains whitelisting, vesting and cliff features, rate, min and max settings, instant payouts, stable swaps, and scheduling. Users can also track each contributor and subpool stats.

DeFi Studio: An essential tool on the Xircus platform, DeFi Studio allows users to deploy “stakeable contracts” where all members can stake tokens. The staking contract emits NFT items on a recurring schedule set by the deployer.

Xircus provides a cost-effective solution for creating and launching native and custom marketplaces. In six easy steps, DApp and NFT creators can create and launch their own NFT marketplace within minutes. With Xircus, NFT and DAPP creators don’t have to sell their tokens through a third-party marketplace. In fact, they don’t have to spend thousands of dollars and wait months to launch their own custom NFT marketplace to sell their irreplaceable assets. Advantages like No commission on sales, perpetual royalties, near absolute control of their market not only empower Creators, DAPP and NFT Collectors but also benefit the Xircus Ambassador and Token Holder.

Xircus also addresses compatibility issues. DAPP and NFT creators can deploy smart contracts to any EVM-compatible blockchain. They have complete freedom to choose a blockchain network of their choice.

In addition, the Xircus platform has many other exciting and advanced features for the NFT market. Marketplace creators can also use customization features such as special deals for Music and games, Subscriptions and Fans membership-level access, and set their own governing rules. , tag replica or counterfeit items in the collection and launch the NFT marketplace for themselves or their community using the Xircus platform using their own crypto tokens or XMT (Xircus Marketplace) Tokens


Xircus has 2 tokens that will support the operation and development of the platform. These two tokens are Xircus Marketplace Token (XMT) and Xircus DAO Tokens (XIRCUS). XMT token is a token that will be used for marketplaces and paired with a stable token. And XIRCUS tokens will be used as tokens for upgrading, voting, staking, subscribing, and feature proposing, with built-in DeFi features which allow holders to get XMT when holding. It is hoped that with the support of these 2 tokens, Xircus will continue to grow in the future.

Xircus Roadmap

Q3 2021 — Phase 1.0

  • Xircus 1.0 (Binance Smart Chain)
  • Onboarding first users
  • 3 token sale stages
  • Mainnet launch
  • Music features for music-related marketplaces
  • Features for influencers
  • Initial Dex Offering (IDO)
  • The Graph protocol integration for faster graph queries
  • Onboarding 500 ringmasters and dApps
  • EVM compatible-blockchain integrations
  • Special collection deployer and contracts
  • Upgradeable Music UI and Sport UI Marketplace themes

Q4 2021 — Phase 2.0

  • WASM contract creation for Solana, Flow, and Near
  • Xircus mobile app (iOS + Android) release V1 with a crypto wallet and AR features
  • Xircus NFT TV App
  • Onboarding 2500 ringmasters
  • Cross-promote marketplaces
  • More marketplaces themes


Most content creators today launch their NFT tokens on third-party NFT marketplaces. However, sometimes the NFT marketplace charges high fees which are burdensome for users. Therefore, developing their own NFT marketplace is the right solution, but not everyone has the knowledge to build their own NFT marketplace. And Xircus is here as a platform that allows users to deploy a costume NFT marketplace without the need to write a single code or any experience, users can deploy their own marketplace in just a few steps. In this way, Xircus can empower artists, influencers, content creators, collectors, and brands who want to deploy their own NFT marketplace and help them to regain their right to fully monetize their content without third-party fees.

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