Алексей Менский
5 min readJan 8, 2020

Hello, it is Alex M. and now there gonna be much of maybe interesting information about the first semester that finished last year, completing as the holiday of New Year passed!!! Sure, you have good New Year and Christmas holidays!!!

Of course, everything that I encountered that semester, good and bad, provided me to get some new unforgettable experience which mostly concerned the relationship in the close circle of our group, although, sometimes it were only my discoveries I’m glad now to remember and feel a bit nostalgic of because of the diversity of those wonderful moments.

I’m not really sure about if I need to start with my first month of studying at the Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, so beloved by this time, but it will quite reasonable, if the story be led repeat once again in a shorter way))) In September of 2019 that was the first time I saw my future groupmates and I believe no one of them will be offended, in case I say some of them were and still be specific people which couldn’t not to cause my bewilderement about their real reasons for studying at the university as it seemed that there were just a few persons who really wanted to be carried away by the science))) Despite this, I found everyone very sociable and active at some points what has made me think till right this moment they had and they have the desire to make friends and to study, more or less.

Probably that will be incorrect, if I don’t mention about our English classes as they made my last semester! So, I should begin with the first months of our studying, when we were learning American English under the mastermind of the substitute teacher Guzel Khalilevna — it’s even rightful to say that she almost provided us with the early introduction to the language what rose our interest to study it!!! She was amazing teacher and I wish her increase all her successes!

And since the middle of October we have had OUR teacher, Tatiana Igorevna, who, according to legends))), came to us after travelling for study reasons to Wales!!! She is great person, and there’s nothing what I can accuse her of (from the point of studying)))), and as approximately everyone one of us considers she’s a natural teacher — a person who has everything to become acknowledged professional in the nearest future, so she is the best anyway!!! Oh… The book ‘DLBY’ of Lois Duncan! You know, I have quite mixed feelings about our Home Reading book because, on the one hand, it gave me the opportunity to learn what I have wanted to for many years and what has actually been one of my main goals since I started my studying — to learn how to read books in original (English); on the other hand, sometimes it was incredibly boring and at such moments the only feeling it caused was hatred))) However, it was useful as I learned how to use diffrent English idioms and sleng words of existence of which I had been unaware before I picked this book up))) As you can imagine, it should be important for everyone who study foreign languages to know and understand the meaning of many words in it and their various forms, so I still think it will always be something I will have to bear in mind — that’s why, I have a strong commitment to improve my English in different aspects of it!!! I’ll never forget about our Midterms Test which took place in the beginning of November: there had been a week for preparation after what we had to pass five kinds of exams — Reading, Grammar, Vocabulary, Dictation and Listening. And even having no idea till now, which exact marks we got, I’m pretty sure that everything will be fine!)))

In additon, I have to say that the last month of the 1st semester at LUNN was the most interesting of all!!! It’s also connected with the new experience I got visiting Moscow and the Austrian Embassy on 12th of December, where everyone including me could feel like a true diplomat, had been already hired for the state service in The Ministery of Foreign Affairs. There I want to admit that it has been my second goal to visit it, since October, when our professors told us about such the great opportinity which couldn’t be missed anyway!!!

So, the next semester is going to be hard and more responsible to me (but, certainly, not ONLY to me) because my first goal is to pass Summer Exams!!! Along with it, it’s necessary for me to improve my Listening and Speaking skills in English because these parts of learning it disturb me most, which as I think results fron the lack of practice! That’s why, I’m going to listen to various English audios, look more movies in English, practice more in reading texts in English (especially, about the politics or economics as these are strongly connected with my future career) — and such a luck that I have a lot of sources from which I can always receive some useful and interesting information including special books and encyclopedias in English!))) After all, I have some plans to go abroad by the Exchange Program this summer and practice my Speaking there!!!))) Of course, there gonna be a lot of other events (for example, science conferences) at LUNN in Febraury and March the topic of which is devoted to International Relations and in which I’m also going to take part!!!)))

And, as always, there are some new photos from me)))

At the Embassy of the Republic of Austria
At the Embassy of the Austrian Republic
The Russian New Year with our Foreign Guests
My Friend and I as Ded Moroz (Santa Claus) and Snegurochka (Santa’s Granddaughter)