Background: illegal abduction of Olivia by her mother (my ex-wife) Tika, in Florida

Families For Courtroom Integrity
3 min readSep 10, 2024


Up until late 2013, Katalin Tika Van Den Hurk (“Tika”) and I shared custody of our daughter Olivia, both of us living in Oakville, as per our separation agreement, so Olivia could travel easily back and forth between our residences. But then in November 2013 Tika chose to move to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, relinquishing her shared legal access to Olivia, and leaving Olivia with me.

Then in late August 2014, when Olivia was on a supposed nine-day visit with Tika in Florida, Tika abducted Olivia and enrolled her in a Fort Lauderdale high school. I received a letter from Tika’s lawyer stating that Olivia would not be returning to my custody nor to my home in Ontario, and that she was now living permanently in Florida with Tika. My lawyer and I took this matter to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice and a judge immediately granted me interim sole custody, finding that Olivia had been unlawfully detained in Fort Lauderdale by Tika. Several weeks afterwards, a second judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice endorsed the decision of the first judge, found that Tika had influenced and pressured Olivia to stay in Florida, and found that Tika had abandoned her function as a parent, especially one bound by the separation agreement.

I returned home to Ontario with Olivia in early October 2014. Four judges of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice were involved in this matter in 2014 and 2015, all of whom ruled decisively in my favour. In March 2015, the fourth judge granted me final sole custody of Olivia until her 18th birthday in July 2017. The Florida court issued Florida court orders that enabled me to use the rulings of the Ontario court in Florida. In summary, because of Tika’s blatant and abusive actions in abducting Olivia in Florida, the Ontario Court system ruled decisively in my favour, awarding me interim and then final sole custody of Olivia. But Tika wasn’t yet done. Even though she had chosen to move to Florida with her new husband and their two children, far from Olivia and me, Tika continued to directly interfere in my sole custody of Olivia. Among other things, in late 2015 she illegally signed admission papers for Olivia to go to the University of Miami, near where she lived, and surreptitiously engaged the Floreses (and later, JFCY) to act as her agents and hide her own involvement in moving Olivia to Florida a second time. The sequence of events with the Floreses is outlined in the paragraph below:

After Tika illegally signed Olivia’s admission papers to the University of Miami, from late 2015 through April 2016 the Floreses (friends of Tika), acting on Tika’s behalf, were in constant contact with Olivia by text, phone and meetings, maligning me and urging and pushing Olivia to move out of my home and into their home nearby. During this time Tika was also in continual contact with Olivia by phone and text, pressuring Olivia to leave my home. Finally Tika and the Floreses were successful in their shameless and illegal interference with my custody and in Olivia’s and my lives, and Olivia moved into the Floreses’ home in mid-April 2016. Explore more about Custodial parent.



Families For Courtroom Integrity

The Supreme Court of Canada is the country's highest court, delivering final decisions on legal matters. It safeguards justice, interprets laws.