Family Points announces Bounty Program

12 min readNov 21, 2017


We invite everyone to participate in our Bounty Campaign and become the active supporter of our project on Facebook, Twitter, within BitcoinTalk forum, or promote our project on other resources. We reserve 1,5% of all tokensale funds raised for our bounty campaigns and hope you will enjoy your participation in them.

All rewards are to be credited in FPT tokens into your ETH wallets. We kindly ask you to indicate the address of the wallet that is compatible with ERC20 token standart, such as MEW, Metamask, and other most popular ones.

Should you have any technical issues, feel free to contact the project’s bounty manager via pm on Telegram — @kissnger.

Total Bounty pool (100%) is to distributed the following way:

Facebook Campaign — 15%

Twitter Campaign — 15%

Signature Campaign — 25%

Telegram Campaign — 5%

Blogging + Vlogging Campaign — Up to 30%

Creative Project Support — 10%

FAMILY POINTS Bounty Program was launched on NOVEMBER, 21ST and will last till MARCH, 27TH.

Facebook Campaign
15% of bounty pool will be allocated to this section


  • Register your participation here
  • Have at least 300 friends. This number should not decrease during the whole time of your participation in the campaign.
    Extra stakes can be given in case you have:
    301–500 friends = 1 extra stake
    501–1000 friends = 3 stakes
    Over 1000 friends = 5 stakes*
    *please mind that stakes ⧣ tokens
    Additional stakes will be credited in the end of the campaign
  • Make privacy settings of your Facebook profile open. Make sure that all posts you share are visible to people who are not on your friends’ list. Otherwise, we won’t be able to verify them.
  • Be the follower of the Family Point’s official Facebook page
  • Share official posts regularly not missing even one week of your participation, otherwise, you will NOT be rewarded. We will NOT check your profile any further once you were given a dashboard in the Facebook spreadsheet. Dashboard = dismissal from the campaign.
    - Like and Share at least 1 post per week, you will be weekly rewarded with 1 stake for that. For sharing 2 posts you will be rewarded with extra 1 stake, the maximum amount of stakes is 3 stakes for three shared posts! Verification dates for your contributions are indicated in the respective spreadsheet. Those participants who joined our bounty campaign a day before verification procedure should make at least one repost, otherwise the stakes will NOT be given and we do NOT check you profile any further.
    Participants who joined the campaign at the day of verification will be given stakes during the next checking date. The “week” in the bounty campaign is stated as a time period starting from your registration date till the nearest checking date. If you leave this period without any reposts you will be declined from the participation.
  • Don’t share more than 1 post per day! We kindly ask you to follow this term and don’t share all posts in one day.
  • Don’t delete your reposts when the campaign is concluded! Your reposts should be retained in your timeline for two weeks after the campaign is over. Don’t change privacy settings for those shared posts, they need to be visible for everyone on the Facebook!
  • We also offer 4 extra stakes to the participants with “authentic” Facebook profiles. We encourage the participants to spread a word about our project. To get rewarded with extra stakes, your profile should not be flooded by other token sales posts. Your avarage number of shared posts should NOT exceed 15 per day, not including the Family Points posts, during all time of your participation in our campaign. Once you violate this rule, all further extra stakes won’t be distributed to you.
  • To receive a bounty reward, you must participate till the end of the campaign. If you were declined, your stakes are to be burnt and returned to the Facebook bounty pool!
  • Multiple accounts registrations are NOT allowed, all related accounts will NOT be checked and credited.
  • All double registrations are strongly forbidden!
  • The list of participants is being updated and analyzed once per week. After the campaign is concluded, the whole Facebook bounty pool is to be redistributed among all approved campaign members considering the number of stakes each member has.
  • To enhance the communication between bounty team and our registered participants, we ask everyone to join Family Point’s official Telegram group @

You can check your participation status here

Twitter Campaign
15% of bounty pool will be allocated to this section


  • Register your participation here
  • Have at least 300 followers. This number should not decrease during the whole time of your participation in the campaign.
    Extra stakes can be given in case you have:
    301–500 followers = 1 extra stake
    501–1000 followers = 3 stakes
    Over 1000 followers = 5 stakes*
    *please mind that stakes ⧣ tokens
    Additional stakes will be credited in the end of the campaign
  • Your Twitter profile should be older than 4 months at least, “younger” accounts are NOT invited for the participation!
  • Be subscribed to the Family Point’s official Twitter page.
  • Retweet official tweets not missing even one week of your participation, otherwise, you will NOT be rewarded. We will NOT check your profile any further once you were given a dashboard in the Twitter spreadsheet. Dashboard = dismissal from the campaign.
    Like and Retweet at least 1 tweet per week, you will be weekly rewarded with 1 stake for that. For retweeting two tweets we will reward you with extra 1 stake, the maximum amount of stakes is 3 stakes for three retweets! Verification dates for your contributions are indicated in the respective spreadsheet. Those participants who joined our bounty campaign a day before verification procedure should make at least one retweet, otherwise the stakes will NOT be given and we do NOT check you profile any further.
    Participants who joined the campaign at the day of verification will be given stakes during the next checking date. The “week” in the bounty campaign is stated as a time period starting from your registration date till the nearest checking date. If you leave this period without any retweets you will be declined from the participation.
  • Please retweet only FRESH tweets or those that correspond with current week of your participation. Mind that the time of your retweet = time when the project’s tweet was created!
  • Don’t retweet more than 1 tweet per day! We kindly ask you to follow this term and don’t retweet all tweets in one day.
  • Don’t delete your retweets when the campaign is concluded! Your retweets should be retained in your timeline for two weeks after the campaign is over.
  • We also offer 4 extra stakes to the participants with “authentic” Twitter profiles on weekly basis. We encourage the participants to spread a word about our project. To get rewarded with extra stakes number, your profile should not be flooded by other token sales posts. Your avarage number of shared posts should NOT exceed 10 per day, not including the Family Points posts, during all time of your participation in our campaign. Once you violate this rule, all further extra stakes won’t be distributed to you.
  • To receive a bounty reward, you must participate till the end of the campaign. If you were declined, your stakes are to be burnt and returned to the Twitter bounty pool!
  • Multiple accounts registrations are NOT allowed, all related accounts will NOT be checked and credited.
  • All double registrations are strongly forbidden!
  • The list of participants is being updated and analyzed once per week. After the campaign is concluded, the whole Twitter bounty pool is to be redistributed among all approved campaign members considering the number of stakes each member has.
  • To enhance the communication between bounty team and our registered participants, we ask everyone to join Family Point’s official Telegram group @

You can check your participation status here

BitcoinTalk Signature Campaign
25% of bounty pool will be allocated to this section


  • Register your participation here
  • Be at least in a Jr.Member rank to join this bounty program.
  • Set up signature code according to your BitcoinTalk rank
  • Stakes are to be calculated weekly depending on the participants’ rank accordingly:

Member/Jr. Member : 1 stake
Sr. Member/Full Member : 3 stakes
Hero/Legendary : 5 stakes

******* BB codes are hosted here

  • You are supposed to represent FP project to BitcoinTalk community and help us to spread the awareness of it to other users of the forum. Remember that spam is not allowed and spammers verified as our bounty participants will be declined from the campaign and reported to moderator. Make sure that your participation is in compliance of BitcoinTalk rules.

*** Should you have any questions concerning this campaign, don’t hesitate to contact our bounty manager via pm on Telegram — @kissnger ***

  • Having negative Trust score attached to the participant’s profile is forbidden!
  • Multiple registrations are NOT allowed, all such BTT accounts will NOT be checked and credited.
  • The list of participants is being updated and analyzed once per week. To receive bounty reward, each participant must wear FP signature until the end of the campaign. If you remove the signature earlier, your earned stakes are to be burnt and returned to the bounty pool.
  • - To wear Family Points avatar, be at least in Full member rank for it. Once you set it, you are restricted to remove it until the end of the campaign.

******** The avatar is accessible here

  • Wearing Family Points’ avatar gives you the additional 3 stakes.
  • The bounty campaign will last till the end of the crowdsale. The list of participants is being updated and analyzed once per week. Every week your signature (and avatar) possession are verified and you are given a number of stakes corresponding with your BTT rank plus extra avatar stakes. If you removed FamilyPoints signature or avatar before the end if the campaign, your account is NOT eligible for a reward.
    Our team will communicate the end of the Signature Bounty campaign officially. Please wait for that notification.
  • If you have acquired a new BTT rank, please change the signature code accordingly. The participants with unupdated signature codes will ne fined with -1 stake each week of such delay!
  • To receive a bounty reward, you must participate till the end of the campaign. If you were declined, your stakes are to be burnt and returned to the BTT Signature bounty pool!
  • Multiple accounts registrations are NOT allowed, all related accounts will NOT be checked and credited.
  • All double registrations are strongly forbidden!
  • To enhance the communication between bounty team and our registered participants, we ask everyone to join Family Point’s official Telegram group @

You can check your participation status here

Telegram Campaign
5% of bounty pool will be allocated to this section


  • Register your participation here
  • Join our Telegram group @ and be ready to participate in the discussion by asking us the questions regarding the Family Points project, tokensale, token, white paper, and so on. You are also expected to help other users with their queries. Be active at least once per week. On the last day of the campaign the most active supporters will be chosen by our bounty team to be rewarded with extra stakes. More details will be communicated near the end of the campaign.
  • Once registered, don’t leave the group until the campaign is over. Our team will communicate the end of the Telegram Bounty campaign officially. Please wait for that notification.
  • Don’t delete your posts even when the campaign is concluded.
  • Spam is not allowed and spammers will be declined from the campaign and blocked by the admins of the project’s group.
  • All unrelated to the project comments, abuses, links, pictures, etc. will be removed from the chat and get you declined from the campaign. Only thoughtful posts will be counted and rewarded.
  • All participants will be rewarded in relation of their activity during the campaign. If you were less than 50% active, you are not eligible for the reward.
  • We also offer 5 extra stakes for the participants who invite 5 new people to the Family Points chat using the invite link Once all five new members joined the chat via this link, please report this fact to our Bounty Manager via pm — @kissnger.
  • The list of participants is being updated and analyzed once per week. Your output of the work will be estimated after the campaign is over. Once per week we verify those participants who still are on participation list and exclude those ones who left our Telegram group. All such chat members will NOT be rewarded!

You can check your participation status here

Blogging + Vlogging Campaign
Up to 30% of bounty pool will be allocated to this section

The FPT token allocation depends directly on the approved participants number, respectively:

Under 10 people — 5%
10–20 people — 10%
21–30 people — 15%
31–50 people — 20%
51–100 people — 25%
101 and above — 30%


- Register your participation here
- Depending on the number of your Youtube channel subscribers, you can be given the following amount of stakes:

* 100–500 subscribers — 1 stake

* 501–1000 subscribers — 2 stakes

* 1001–2000 subscribers — 3 stakes

* 2001–5000 subscribers — 4 stakes

* 5001–10,000 subscribers — 5 stakes

** Over 10,000 subscribers — 6 stakes

- We offer additional stakes to our videomakers in proportion to the number of views (it applies only to videos created during the Family Points Bounty campaign). The calculations are following:

* over 1000 views — 2 stakes
* over 3000 views — 4 stakes
* over 5000 views — 6 stakes
* over 10,000 views — 8 stakes
* over 20,000 views — 10 stakes

- For making 1 video/writing 1article of good quality you are to receive 10 stakes. If you are able to create more unique videos/articles, this option can be discussed with each participant separately.

- Once your application appears in our private spreadsheet, we’ll contact you to discuss your participation.

- Please mind that all contributions will be estimated on individual basis: we are free not to accept your work without detailed explanations.

- Your article(s)/video(s) should be original — all stolen contributions won’t be accepted and rewarded. All participants with plagiary will be declined from the campaign without a chance to register again!

- Good language skills is a must, badly executed video(s)/article(s) won’t be accepted. Please keep in mind there are only two options (articles & videos) in this campaign. All unrelated applications won’t be reviewed.

- Good language skills is a must, badly executed video(s)/article(s) won’t be accepted. Please keep in mind there are only two options (articles & videos) in this campaign. We will NOT review all unrelated applications.

- Your article should have a length of 500 words and more. Your self-created video should be of 2 minutes minimum! All videos/articles should be supported with the special disclaimer which is to be communicated to all Bounty Participants contacted by Bounty Manager via email. That’s why please don’t write any articles/make any videos before our team reach you out!

- UPVOTING of the your videos/articles : your Family Points dedicated contributions should get definite number of views by the end of the BC. The more views they obtain, the more extra stakes you receive (see the terms above). All “unpopular” contributions received less than 1000 views won’t be estimated within this term. The stakes number obtained is to be calculated in simple math proportion, maximum amount of stakes given is 10 stakes for 20 000 views received.

  • The spreadsheet will all registrations is private and will be available only after the bounty campaign is over!

- To enhance the communication between bounty team and our registered participants, we ask everyone to join Family Point’s official Telegram group @

Creative Project Support
10% of bounty pool will be allocated to this section


- Choose one of the possible options for your promotion of the Family Points project:

1) Meet-ups arrangements — spreading a word about the Family Points project in your city/region. Register your participation and we’ll provide you with more details and instructions.

2) Opinion leader’s posts — creating Family Points related content and following publishing at least 2 posts per week on your resource with a big amount of followers, subscribers or friends. (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Vkontakte, etc.).
More information will be shared via email after your application will appear in our spreadsheet. Please mind that good English/Russian is a must and only these languages are supported within this program! We are free not to accept your posts for further participation if they don’t meet our terms.

3) Banners and other graphic design proposals are welcome. We are ready to discuss any of your creative ideas. Self-created banners will be appreciated and rewarded in a particular way!

4) Bug campaign — feel free to find any typos, bugs and any other types of mistakes on our website, Social Media channels or even in our White Paper. In case your discoveries are consistent and relevant, we will reward you.

5) Translations are the most popular bounty section, that’s why we could not but include them in our Bounty Program. All languages are welcome, Japanese is to be rewarded with double stakes. Please register your participation and contact us on Telegram for the detailed information. All reserved translations are visible here.

6) Exclusive Support campaign — any help to the project is welcome! If you can attract potential investors -or- you can organize interviews with project executives -or- maybe you know some celebrities and they would like to support us -or- you are able to become ambassador of FP in your region — or — you have a possibility to promote the project in Mass Media — all there “or” can be rewarded with bounty bonus. Write us and we will discuss your participation.

** You can offer us any other ideas that we don’t mention here, though we are not supposed to accept any poor formulated/unrealizable/lame/dull propositions. We keep right to reject any of them without giving the reason and you have to put up with it **

- Register your participation here

- The bounty campaign will last until the end of the tokensale. Register your participation and we’ll contact you soon to provide you with more details.

— The spreadsheet with all registrations is private and will be available only after the bounty campaign is over!

- To enhance the communication between bounty team and our registered participants, we ask everyone to join Family Point’s official Telegram group @

