How to protect the alarm systems at your home in Chicago from being hacked ?

Steve Smith
2 min readAug 23, 2016


The home alarm systems in Chicago are mainly used in residential areas to reduce the chances of break-ins. With increasing availability of technology, these alarm systems are coming with more advanced features. Even, nowadays, you will get the internet connected alarm systems too for your house. Although these alarm systems, which can be accessed from anywhere using a mobile device, can offer several benefits, these should be used carefully. Especially, these systems have higher chances of being hacked. Thus, special attention is required to reduce any such chance. However, the task is not at all difficult. You can easily do it just by keeping the following tips in your mind when using the IP based alarm systems.

Keep checking your alarm logs: IP addresses of the devices that have been used to access your alarm system are generally stored in the log. To reduce the chances of unauthorized access of these systems, you need to check the log regularly. If you find anything suspicious, immediately inform the security service provider to protect important data.

Limit approved devices: For further protection, you can limit the number of devices that can access your home alarm systems in Chicago. If you set up your system in this way, no other devices than the approved ones will be able to gain access of it. So, the chances of being hacked reduce to great extent.

Avoid using public wi-fi: If you have an IP based alarm system at your house, you can access it from any network and location. However, it is always advised that you should avoid using public wi-fi while for accessing the alarm systems from remote locations. It also ensures greater protection for the alarm system installed at your house.

Along with these tricks, you should also keep the home alarm systems in Chicago always updated for tightening the security.



Steve Smith

Hey I am Steve from Chicago. I deal with the latest technical blogs, kind of a travel addict you can say. That’s it. Do follow my blog for useful information.