How to Order WordPress Hosting from Interserver?

2 min readApr 15, 2024


Are you struggling with ordering hosting services from Interserver? Do technical issues arise when trying to purchase hosting packages from Interserver? If you’re looking for solutions to these challenges, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we delve into the process of ordering different hosting plans, available payment methods, and other important details.

By the end of this read, you’ll be equipped to effortlessly order hosting services from Interserver with ease.

About Interserver

Interserver, a web hosting company founded in 1999, provides a variety of hosting services to individuals and businesses like Standard Web hosting, Boost Web hosting, Reseller Web hosting, and ASP.NET.

It also offers various additional features and benefits which include unlimited storage and bandwidth, Free website migration, Free SSL certificates, and 24/7 customer care services as well.

How to Order WordPress Hosting from Interserver?

To order WordPress hosting from Interserver, we urge you to follow the stated instruction provided as under:

  • Visit the Interserver Home page > drop-down web hosting tab > press the standard web hosting services > scroll down and click the WordPress option Under the Cloud Apps option.
  • On clicking the WordPress button > you will be redirected to the WordPress Hosting page > click the Order Now option.
  • On clicking the order now option > enter your desired domain name > and press the continue option.
  • On press the continue option > you will be redirected to the registration page > enter your relevant details pertaining to your personal profile, billing address & billing interval and finally > click the terms of service checkbox before pressing Create account and Place order.
  • After successfully clicking the above option > you’ll be displayed your portal which you can use to place new order or submit ticket support at times of issues.
  • Finally, proceed to the payment option to place your order.

