BP High Blood Pressure Symptoms — Do You Have These Symptoms

3 min readSep 20, 2021


The long-term medical consequences of high blood pressure can be fatal. In most severe cases, the circulatory vessels surrounding the face begin to clot, leading to severe blurred vision. High blood pressure also obstructs the normal blood flow in the optic nerve, resulting in permanent eye damage. The optic nerves pass through the “optic canal” which is located inside the eyeball. Blurring of vision is a common high BP symptom. Other high blood pressure symptoms include extreme fatigue, sudden dizziness and confusion, chest pain, dry mouth, excessive sweating and skin problems like boils, eczema and psoriasis.

Every year, millions of people experience high blood pressure symptoms. Most often these symptoms occur when people have no serious medical conditions. Often people will experience symptoms due to stress, when they are eating poorly or when they have a large meal. Sometimes people will experience symptoms when they are undergoing treatment for another illness. It is important to realize that high blood pressure symptoms can occur without a known medical condition.

Many people may experience high blood pressure symptoms without ever having a heart problem or even being diagnosed with heart disease. These symptoms can be attributed to other illnesses and diseases. Symptoms of hypertension can range from headache, feeling very tired or weak, losing weight, constipation, frequent urination, indigestion, bad taste in the mouth or even skin sensitivity. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately. Even if your high blood pressure readings are normal, it is a good idea to get screened for any potential problems. Screening for high blood pressure has many benefits including reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke.

There are many herbal remedies available that can help you to lower high blood pressure quickly and safely. Herbal supplements have been proven to have a positive effect on many people, and have few, if any, side effects. There are a number of herbal, high blood pressure remedies on the market today. A quick search on the Internet will display many options, depending on your needs.

One of the most popular herbal medicine pakistan high blood pressure remedies today is called Aspalathin. This ingredient is believed to have a diuretic effect, which can prevent fluid retention. Other ingredients found in Aspalathin include folic acid, magnesium and potassium. Folic acid is a B vitamins supplement and has many benefits, especially to pregnant women.

Another effective natural high blood pressure remedy is sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is available in a salt called Rock Salt. Many foods make it a part of their regular menu. It’s readily available at most food stores and it’s cheap to buy. When shopping for Rock Salt, make sure the package indicates it contains “baking soda”. This ingredient is believed to be beneficial because it reduces the absorption of fat from the foods you eat.

You may also notice other herbs in foods that help to lower your high readings. Cinnamon, for example, has long been used to treat hypertension. Ginger is another herb that has been widely used for centuries. These herbal remedies can be a part of your healthy blood pressure routine, along with changes in your diet and exercise. Once you make these changes, however, you’ll have to be consistent in order for them to work.

The first step towards lowering your high blood pressure with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle is to determine what factors contribute to your high readings. As you make changes in your eating habits and go to the doctor regularly for testing, you’ll be able to identify the things that cause you to experience hypertension. From there, you can take steps toward lowering your readings until your doctor tells you that it’s time for a healthy diet and exercise program. With a little bit of effort, you can lower your high blood pressure today.

