I Quit My Job After 2 Months On TikTok

Fanni Friedrich
2 min readAug 17, 2022


Being the happiest I have ever been.

I wouldn’t call myself an expert in TikTok as I don’t really care about the advertising side of it.

However, I’m creating content on TikTok since May 2021 and currently have more than 35 000 followers on my account and worked with international companies on starting their own pages.

Here’s how I first got interested in TikTok content creation

Back 2020–2021 I was leading the social media team in one of Hungary’s biggest branding agencies. During the lockdowns, campaigns slowed down so our plan was to sell more social media and digital marketing-related work.

TikTok was getting popular and we wanted to showcase real edutainment content-related data to our clients.

After the first 60 days, I gained 16 000 followers and quit my job.

TikTok made me quit my job and start my digital nomad journey

How did it happen?

In a matter of weeks, e-mails started pouring into my inbox.

I talked about social media strategy and people loved it. They wanted to work with me.

I was sending out my capabilities deck 4–10 times every week.

I only needed 2 months to go back to my freelancer life with the help of TikTok but the craziest thing was just coming my way.

After 3 months my followers asked me to create a social media manager course …

… and it sold out on the first day.

I made 6 months' worth of my previous income in just 12 hours. ( Of course, I worked really hard during the course, but still… )

Since then I hosted several successful cohort-based courses and started to shift my content to more of the lifestyle side of the spectrum, which opened even more doors for me.

TikTok changed my life forever.

So my goal over the next TikTok goal is…

I’m in the process of moving abroad because… you can Google Hungary and find out why.

So at this point, I’m cutting ties with my Hungarian partners and currently teaching my last Hungarian course.

My next goal is to replicate my success with an international account after the move, as TikTok’s algorithm takes geolocation very seriously.

Are also ready to build your brand online and quit your job? Book a complimentary coaching session with me to discover your opportunities!

