Stop With The Fake Comments On Medium

OMG, there are NO genuine comments on Medium.

Fanni Friedrich
2 min readAug 18, 2022
Photo credit: Uday Mittal Unsplash

Currently, I’m doing a 30-day challenge on Medium and post at least one article per day. I also tried to engage with the community as a good social media professional should.

But OMG there are NO genuine comments on Medium.

Every comment is so polished, as PC as it could be and I’m 100% sure ONLY other Medium writers post responses and half of them are straight up just an ad for their own profile.

The problem with ‘fake’ comments

These disingenuine responses really put a bad taste in my mouth, as they got me to question Medium as a whole.

Having organic reach is only good if the readers are really there to get information about the topic. Then you can build relationships, and get viewers, and if you do it for your business you can have sales.

If most of the community-generated responses aka comments are there just to attract views too… It becomes a kissing ass competition real quick and the platform will have no real reach.

If everybody is only there to get views, nobody will get real views.

Comments are hard nowadays

Ok, I have to be fair and say that people normally don’t comment these days like they used to.

It’s really hard to get the more educated, well-reserved people to share their thoughts online. That’s why Facebook’s comment sections are like a dumpster fire.

So I understand why people are so streamlined on Medium.

And I also get why people wanted to put their name out there by posting comments everywhere they could. Heck, I tried to do it!

But if all the comments I see after a week are screaming they are only there for selfish reasons, that is a big fucking problem in the long run for all of us… and for Medium as a platform.

