Fantom Domains Reservations week

Fantom Domains
3 min readMar 27, 2022

Dear community,

On the 28th of March 13:00 UTC the reservations for domains will start for 1 week. There will be a maximum of 1000 reservations. The Reservations link will be posted at 13:00 on our social media: Twitter and Telegram. There are some rules in place to make it fair and organized.

Key details

Week 14: Reservations for 1 week, starting from 28 March.
Week 15: Auction 6 and 5 letters
Week 16: Auction 4 and 3 letters
Week 17: Instant registration of remaining domains

Phase 1: Reservations
You can reserve domains for the fixed price of 30 FTM. When you reserve a domain name, it includes the registration fees for 1 year. The reservations phase is 1 week. There are some rules to make it fair:

  • Reservations for 5 letters and above.
  • If you made a reservation, but an ENS ETH domain holder claims this name as well, then after review by the FNS team your reservation can be revoked and a refund will be issued, assuming the ENS ETH domain holder made a deposit for the reservation
  • There is a maximum of 5 reservations per address
  • A maximum of 1000 reservations can be made during the reservations period. When 1000 reservations are made and deposits are secured, the public reservation period ends
  • Timeline to start is: March 28th, reservation phase will last for 1 week and the deadline is April 1st
  • The link to the reservations page will be published on the start date on our official website. Do not fall for any phishing attempts and double check with our team in case of doubt

Reservations manual

On the reservation page, connect your metamask wallet. Once you have connected your Metamask wallet with sufficient FTM funds, you will be able to enter the desired domain name:

Click on reserve and pay the reservation fee of 30 FTM (this includes the one year registration fees for the domain). Once the reservation transaction has completed, a status message "reservation success" will show and the reserved name will be displayed under "your reserved names". See example below:

As mentioned, each wallet will be restricted to reserving up to 5 names. Only names that have not been reserved already can be requested:

In addition, only 5 character domains and up, can be registered. The 3–4 char domains will be up for auctions later. If you try to register a 3 or 4 char domain name now, an error status message will show:

The reservation page will be available through our website on the aforementioned time on the day of the reservation phase start: Do not trust any other links!

Official links:

