The BatPocongs in Utero; other realms will be born

6 min readJan 28, 2022


Dear huggers! We are sorry to inform you that we have to postpone the launching of our side-project, the BatPocong. It was previously intended as a collaboration with Potluck Labs. On January 25, 2022, Truevoodoo notified us that Potluck Labs were so loaded up with projects to launch, and they were switching their strategies. So they suggested that we need to launch the project ourselves; not in Potluck Protocol’s Discord. Because of this, in our view, the whole initial idea of the BatPocong NFT project is losing its relevance because Potluck Labs is no longer directly involved. We created BatPocong ‘on request’: all visual and lore elements were crafted by harmonizing the theme of Potluck Protocol, their icons and visual identity in general, their acquisition of Spellbinder City from 8bit Nostalgia, and the like. For us, without their direct involvement, it is pointless to release the NFTs now or soon, on our own.

However, Potluck Labs is open to aiding us to 1) do the mint party in our Discord and 2) offer a cross-chain mint possibility with 50% + 50% total supply mint on Fantom + Avalanche. But, for the reasons stated above, we don’t want to do both of these options.

Given that there are so many NFT projects emerging massively on Fantom, currently, the number of projects emerged by people who have already worked with NFTs has not kept pace yet with the slow-growing number of NFT collectors. Having a concern on that, we think that if we imminently and hastily launch the BatPocong NFT, it will only contribute to an overcrowded market with insufficient buyers.

I believe that most of you would agree that, right now, we need more new artists to get involved within the Fantom NFT ecosystem. Those who are yet to come will, indeed, start their activities in this ecosystem by bringing new projects. But, by joining as new members in the Fantom Opera community, besides being creators, they will also become buyers and collectors someday. So, their presence is significant and will increase the number of buyers/collectors in Fantom. That way, we can imagine a dynamic, balanced, and healthy circulation of content and transactions.

In addition, we also feel that launching this project ourselves now will break the focus of us and our collectors into two, between BatPocong and FantomPocong. Such a situation might also indirectly retard the continuation of the minting process of all FantomPocong NFTs and slow down the rate of the secondary sales of the FantomPocong. I am sure that it is not favorable for FantomPocong’s huggers.

This announcement of postponement may be disappointing for those of you who are waiting for BatPocong. And for that, I intensely ask for your forgiveness and understanding. My friends and I have been working on BatPocong since November 2021, but it is what it is. However, we do not want to shut the BatPocong NFT project down since a percentage of the mint proceeds will be donated to a bat conservation organization, and we will not let these finished generative visual artworks go in vain.

Sneak Peak of BatPocong

People will still have the opportunity to own those unborn BatPocongs. If you really want to own a BatPocong, you need to wait until all 10,000 FantomPocongs are minted out. The contract will be deployed before we release the FantomPocong Gen 2 (not yet in prod.) in the coming months and/or even years. We consider that the launch of the BatPocong NFT will be more relevant in the still-far-days to come. Because, by that time, the BatPocong NFT project will have brought out and made us recall this debatable argumentation. As we are trying to express and record here: it is all about the harmony and balance between supply and demand in the world of NFTs.

Despite the factors making BatPocong project run less smoothly, I want to thank and introduce you to my friends who’ve been collaborating with me until January 14, 2022, to complete the lore and visual production. If you, my dear huggers, notice in our Discord, you will know that there are a few new roles called Pocong’s Artists and Lore Master. Three of them are involved in the production of the BatPocong NFT project and now also focusing on their own collection:

Our BatPocong’s lore writer. Well… she said she is lurking at a quiet pace, perhaps an NFT newbie enthusiast who loves reading and writing.

Koofraa creates AVACON

Andre Cronje is wearing a shirt and suit, staring ahead. A piece from the upcoming AVACON collection by Keefoo.

AVACON | Inspired by what has been done by Pop Art Artist, Andy Warhol, in his collection of portraits containing the faces of people he has known in his career circle. In this project, I will archive and interpret (with drawing) the important figures in the FTM scene. 1/1 handrawn — digitally colored.

CreazyDoctor107 creates Boneka Lucu

A piece from the upcoming Boneka Lucu collection by cd107a.

Boneka Lucu | A cute doll who wants to play fun with corruptors, child molesters, sexual predators, and other criminals, sometimes he wants to enjoy the evening with some far-famed heroes who live on top of the glory of capitalism.


In addition to the artists involved in the BatPocong NFT project, I would like to introduce some artists who are also working on their personal collection, both 1/1 and generative. When their collection is released, they will have their own channel on FantomPocong discord.

Orang Bunian creates Orang Bunian

Aunian, Bunian, Cunian, Dunian, Eunian, Funian, and Gunian. A piece from the upcoming Orang Bunian collection by Orang Bunian.

Orang Bunian | Orang Bunian is a project of generative visual artwork that takes inspiration from the legend of the Bunian People. They are the guardian spirits of the forest and mountains known to live in some areas in Southeast Asia. The Bunian people form the same social structure as humans. Not many people understand how they are also divided into various races and ethnicities. Invisible to most humans, orang-orang Bunian can be seen by those blessed or have special abilities. You might be determined and persistent to meet them. However you try, what you only witness is the glimmers of chromatic among the trees and shrubs forming the complex, dark, and unrecognizable shadowy niches. But, why don’t you put front your endeavor and try to find them! Let’s see what color you will encounter then.

RimRimRimbaud creates FantomJoglo

The comet returns every 75 years. Joglo witness the comet in 1759. Years before, Edmond Halley successfully predicted its orbit. The door is closed because people at that time would think the comet will bring bad omen. A piece from the upcoming FantomJoglo collection by RimRimRimbaud.

FantomJoglo | Celebrating anatopism and anachronism, Joglo can travel anywhere at anytime. Whether it’s a factual major world or national event or even fictional story. Like a spacecraft and time machine merge into one, Joglo is able to fold the fabric of time and space, moving at the speed of light. Faster than optical fiber.


Last but not least, I also want to thank Orang Bunian for his input in our team discussion until we reach this decision. And especially for you huggers for staying this long and still hugging your pocongs.

Hopefully, all parties who were involved in the BatPocong NFT project initiation and early development of the idea within this collaboration can work together again in the future.

We hope that this will not boggle what we aspire to from the very beginning: to stay creative, and to build a healthy community in the NFT world, especially on Fantom.***

Co-Writers: FantomPocong, Quietpace

IMPORTANT UPDATE, MAY 27, 2022: Visit BatPocong Twitter account.




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