Six Inspiring Latin Phrases to Live By

Firly Permata
3 min readMar 12, 2023

Some Latin quotes are inspiring and suitable for several situations, especially related to self-development.

Photo by Cindy Liu on Unsplash

#1. Nosce te ipsum

This quote means “Know thyself.” It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in personal growth and improvement, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and understanding one’s own strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals. It has been attributed to various ancient Greek and Roman philosophers, including Socrates and Cicero.

#2. Per aspera ad astra

This quote means “Through hardships to the stars.” It suggests that difficulties and challenges are necessary to achieve greatness and personal improvement. This phrase emphasizes the idea that achieving greatness and personal growth often requires overcoming obstacles and facing challenges. It encourages us to persevere through difficulties, and to use them as stepping stones towards reaching our goals and aspirations. The phrase has been used in literature, popular culture, and various fields such as astronomy, aviation, and military.

#3. Mens sana in corpore sano

This quote means “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” It highlights the importance of taking care of both mental and physical health to achieve overall well-being. The phrase is often used in discussions about health and wellness, and it encourages individuals to take care of their bodies and minds through healthy lifestyle choices, such as exercise, good nutrition, and stress management. The phrase was originally used by the Roman poet Juvenal in his satirical work “Satire X”.

#4. Dum spiro spero

This quote means “While I breathe, I hope” It encourages persistence and optimism in the face of adversity. This phrase expresses the idea that as long as one is alive and able to breathe, there is always a reason to have hope and to keep striving towards one’s goals. It is a reminder to persevere through difficult times and to maintain a positive outlook on life.

#5. Carpe Diem

This quote means “Seize the day.” It reminds us to make the most of each moment and to live life to the fullest. It is often interpreted as an exhortation to make the most of the present moment without worrying about the future or regretting the past. The phrase encourages people to take advantage of opportunities as they arise, to live in the present and to make the most of every day. It is a reminder to cherish the time we have and to make the most of every moment in our lives.

#6. Fortuna audaces iuvat

This quote means “Fortune favors the bold.” It suggests that taking risks and being courageous can lead to success and personal growth. The phrase suggests that those who are willing to take risks and be daring are more likely to be successful and to have good fortune come their way. It implies that those who are passive or timid are less likely to achieve success or to receive good fortune. The phrase is often used to encourage people to take bold action and to not be afraid to pursue their goals with confidence and courage.

There are many legendary Latin phrases that have become widely known and used in contemporary language. These phrases continue to be used in modern language, literature, and media and are often used to express profound or timeless ideas.



Firly Permata

Lawyer/Writer writes her thoughts online where wit meets writ and legal expertise meets literary excellence.