What Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snap are missing. Proposal of a novel social platform?

Farai Nechikwira Nechz
2 min readAug 31, 2019


We need a place where we can be seen and heard, support and be supported, inspire and be inspired. In different communities we play different professional roles. Being a public figure, or just being a member. Sometimes conversation starter, sometimes contributor.

Most of us, if we are not in the level of building our professional life, we are perfecting our careers. So it is inevitable that we do the latter without following and learning from the most successful people in our professional field. And in today’s connected world, we resort to social networking platforms to reach out to them. We anticipate their willingness to respond to our questions through DMs. But the conventional social media have become a battleground of thought and emotion, and toxic in terms of cyber bullying. Therefore connecting one-on-one with celebrities, artists, politicians, entrepreneurs has been completely compromised.

Imagine connecting at a professional level with. your favorite artists, celebrities, visionaries – the leaders you respect and admire – the same way you do with your mom or best friend. Imagine securely connecting with your fans, supporters, or patrons that very same way, with smart, powerful tools to help you engage in direct, professional communication. At scale. This is the reality we’re building at Onenity.

Onenity platform is being created for professional connection; between artists and fans, creators and patrons, faith leaders and congregants, scientists and upcoming scientists, elected officials and constituents. Between entrepreneurs climbing the ladder to success and successful entrepreneurs, with a constant desire for real, meaningful connection.

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Farai Nechikwira Nechz

Entrepreneur| Physics and Math geek| No special talent, but passionately curious.