Jannah Description The Levels Gates and Things of Jannah

4 min readJun 5, 2022


Today we will discuss how Jannah appears, including a detailed description of the

levels of Jannah, the gates of Jannah, and many other topics.

Jannah Description The Levels Gates and Things of Jannah

The following would be recited at the time when a Muslim would join Jannah:

1. You will never get sick; you will be healthy for the rest of your life.

2. Death will never strike you; you will live indefinitely.

3. You will be surrounded by endless bounties.

Jannah Is Made Up Of Three Elements

sand, Zafraan, and silver and gold bricks.

• Cement that has a Musk scent to it.

• Yaqoot and pearl chips are available.

Jannah’s Gates

1. As-Salaat Baab

This gate can permit people from the UN agency who were on time and attentive in their prayers

to enter the Paradise world organization agency. This gate is the fulfillment of the

promise created by the supernatural being to people who prayed with sincerity and religion:

2. Egyptian Islamic Jihad Baab

“Fight them until there’s no [more] fitnah and [until] supernatural being worship is

[acknowledged to be].” If they stop, there’ll be no additional aggression except against

oppressors” (Quran 2:193). That Muslim UN agency gave their lives in the name

of Islam through Jihad would be ready to reach Heaven through this gate.

3. As-Sadaqah Baab

Only those believers who were benevolent and gave Sadaqah within the approach

of the Supreme Being are allowed to pass through this gate.

4. Baab Ar-Rayyan (Baab Ar-Rayyan)

Through this gate, persons who have unbroken their quick with sincerity

and achieved the blessings of the Supreme Being are allowed to enter Heaven.

5. Al-Hajj Baab

This gate is only open to people who wish to view the pilgrim’s trip.

6. Al-Kaazimeen

This door leads to Paradise for those who were able to control and contain

their wrath while also being forgiving of their brothers and sisters.

7. Al-Iman Baab

This door is only open to individuals who have remained constant in their faith

in the Supreme Being, trusted His choices for them, and lived lives that were

ibyHis commands.

8. Baab Al-Dhikr (Arabic:

Believers who recall the Supreme Being and perform Dhikr on

a regular basis is allowed to enter Heaven through Baab Al-Dhikr.

Doors of Jannah

There are eight doors to Jannah.

1. Jannatul Mava
2. Darul Salaam
3. Jannat-ul-Adan
4. Jannat-ul-Kasif
5. Darul Maqaam
6. Darul Khuld
7. Jannat-ul-Naeem
8. Jannat-ul-Firdous

Jannah’s Food

Mumin would be able to eat and drink for the next 40 years,

and each bowl would have a different flavor.

• They’d have eructation, which digests food, and sweating,

which appears to be related to water digestion.

Jannah’s Geographical Names

• There would be gardens in Jannah as well. • Each garden would have a length

that would allow for a 100-year voyage. • There will be no throne for the plants

in these gardens. • Their shadows would be dense and long.•

The size of their leaves would be comparable to an elephant’s ears.• The fruits would be

arranged in a line.• Those who adore one other for Allah’s sake will receive one pillar of Yaqoot.

Rooms In Jannah

• There would be 70,000 (seventy thousand) rooms in Jannah,

each of which would have 70,000 (seventy thousand) sheets of linen.

• These rooms in Jannah would shine for the residents of Jannah,

just as the sunbeams for the people of Duniya.

• Each dining sheet would have 70,000 different dishes as food servings.

• To serve Mumin, 80,000 young lads would swarm about them like a

swarm of beautiful dispersed pearls. • A regular bunch of dates would have 12 arms

of equal length.• A date would be the same size as a large pitcher. • They’d be sweeter than

honey, softer than butter, and whiter than milk, with no seeds. • That single grape would be

about the size of a large pitcher. Will, that food be adequate for my acquaintances and me,

a person once asked Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

He (PBUH) said that it would be sufficient for you and your entire tribe.

Jannah’s Canals

Every Jannah will have four canals.

1. Honey 2. Milk 3.S har bun Tahoora 4. Water

Names Of The Seven Heavens In Islam — 7 Paradise In Islam

1.Jannatul Adan (Garden of Eden),

2. Jannatul Firdous (Garden of Paradise)

3. Jannatul Naeem (Garden of Bliss or Delight)

4. Jannatul Mava (Garden of Refuge)

5. Dar al-Salam (Abode of Peace)

6. Dar al-Jalal (Abode of Glory)

7. Jannatul Khuld (Garden of Eternity)

