4 Types of Personality Types: Which One Are You?

Faraz Mubeen
4 min readSep 2, 2023


In the intricate web of human interactions, understanding the subtleties of personality types can be the key to unlocking effective communication. In this exploration inspired by Thomas Erikson’s “Surrounded by Idiots,” we’ll delve deeper into the fascinating framework that categorizes individuals into four distinct personality types, each represented by a color: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. This article will not only help you identify these personality types but also provide strategies for improving your interactions once you’ve pinpointed your own or someone else’s personality type.

The Red Personality: The Leader

The Red personality type is marked by assertiveness, directness, and a laser focus on goals. Reds are natural leaders, thriving on challenges and taking charge in various situations. They value efficiency, decisiveness, and action. However, they may occasionally come across as impatient or demanding.

Identifying Reds: Look for individuals who exude confidence, make quick decisions, and are results-driven. They’re often the ones leading the charge, setting ambitious goals, and thriving under pressure.

Communication Tip: When communicating with Reds, be clear, concise, and focus on outcomes. Respect their time by getting to the point swiftly.

The Blue Personality: The Organizer

Blues are characterized by their organizational skills, precision, and analytical thinking. They are the planners and process-driven individuals in a group, preferring structure and predictability. While they excel in roles requiring attention to detail, they may sometimes appear rigid or inflexible due to their rule-oriented nature.

Identifying Blues: Blues are the ones with meticulously organized desks, structured schedules, and a penchant for following protocols. They seek accuracy and can become stressed when faced with disorganization.

Communication Tip: When interacting with Blues, provide comprehensive information, adhere to established procedures, and maintain a structured approach to discussions.

The Green Personality: The Peacemaker

Greens are empathetic, patient, and skilled in fostering harmonious relationships. They are great listeners and team players who prioritize cooperation and collaboration. Greens excel in mediating conflicts and creating a positive atmosphere in group settings. However, they may struggle with making tough decisions or taking risks.

Identifying Greens: Greens are approachable and attentive listeners. They are often the ones mediating disputes and creating a friendly, inclusive environment.

Communication Tip: When communicating with Greens, show empathy, listen actively, and be considerate of their feelings and concerns. They thrive in environments of trust and cooperation.

The Yellow Personality: The Innovator

Yellows are spontaneous, creative, and optimistic individuals who thrive on new ideas and possibilities. They bring energy and excitement to any situation and are highly adaptable and open to change. However, they may sometimes lack attention to detail and struggle with follow-through on tasks.

Identifying Yellows: Yellows are the life of the party, often seen as the creative minds behind new projects or ideas. They radiate enthusiasm and are quick to embrace change.

Communication Tip: When engaging with Yellows, encourage their creativity, stay open to new ideas, and maintain an upbeat and positive tone in your interactions.

Identifying Personality Types

Identifying your own personality type can be revealing, but recognizing the types of those around you can be equally valuable. Start by observing their behaviors, communication styles, and tendencies in different situations. Engage in conversations and pay attention to their preferences, decision-making processes, and reactions to various scenarios.

What to Do After Identifying Personality Types

Once you’ve identified the predominant personality types, adapt your communication style accordingly:

Flexibility: Remember that most individuals exhibit a mix of these personality traits, with one type usually prevailing. Be flexible in your approach to accommodate variations.

Empathy: Use your newfound knowledge to empathize with others better. Understanding their perspective will enhance your interactions.

Tailored Communication: Customize your communication style based on the personality type you’re dealing with. Adjust your approach to align with their preferences.

Conflict Resolution: Use your understanding of personality types to defuse conflicts more effectively. Tailor your conflict resolution strategies to the personalities involved.


Unveiling the four personality types outlined in “Surrounded by Idiots” is like having a secret decoder for human behavior. Armed with this knowledge, you can navigate social and professional situations with greater finesse and build more meaningful connections. Identify the predominant personality types around you, adapt your communication style, and watch as your relationships flourish. So, which personality type are you, and how will you use this knowledge to enhance your communication skills?

Feel free to use this article as a starting point for your Medium story, and make any necessary adjustments to fit your style and preferences. If you have any specific points or details you’d like to add or modify, please let me know, and I’d be happy to assist further.



Faraz Mubeen

Tech writer. AI and data enthusiast. I share data science advice, tutorials, and tips from experience.