Soul Tired

2 min readMay 16, 2019


Credits — Tanzila Aslam Gill

Not being yourself is tiring.

Lets unpack this:

You can’t not be yourself. Its technically not possible. Unless you’re defining Yourself as a specific version of yourself with a certain set of behaviors, styles etc.

Maybe its tiring because it requires conscious effort to not be yourself. But effort is about habit. Once you’re used to not being yourself, it’ll be easy again.

Whats the root of the this then?

I think its contradiction.

Not being yourself is tiring when you don’t like not being yourself. Maybe you’re being forced to be a certain way. Maybe you’re being cornered into doing things you don’t like. Maybe its peer pressure.

But if you don’t like this version of yourself… you’re going to get tired. The resistance is tiring. (Btw listen to Abdullah Siddiqui’s Resistance)

There are two ways around this — find a way to like what you are doing or find a way to do what you like. Choose.

Or choose to be tired. I think tired is nature’s way of telling you, you can’t not be yourself. I think the longer you stay here the more you will deplete the magic stuff in your soul.

Tip — If you’re tired, ask a friend for help. A little help never hurts.

