Jenkins- Article #2

Install and Configure Jenkins

Jenkins- Continuous Integration Tool

Fareena Imran
3 min readMar 8, 2022

In this article, we’re going to learn about how to download, install and configure Jenkins, So, Let’s get started 👇


#1) Open the link and scroll down.

#2) You will get this option 👇, click on it to download.

#3) Open cmd, and give a path to the folder where Jenkins.war is placed.

#4) Write this command on cmd 👇 and hit ENTER.

java -jar jenkins.war -httpPort=8080

After some time you will see some logs on cmd and at the end “Jenkins is fully up and running”.

If you get any error then you can use 9090 port instead of 8080 in the above command ☝️.

#5) After that go to browser and hit with “localhost:8080”, you will get this screen 👇

#6) Now enter the password that has shown on your cmd, after step #4 then click on “Continue”.

After that, you will see this screen, where the plugin and other requirements for Jenkins will download.

#7) Then you will get this screen, fill the form then click on save & continue.

#8) Then click on Sava and Finish

#9) Then you will finally get the Jenkins’s home screen like this

#10) Click on Manage Jenkins → Global Tool Configuration → Add JDK and fill Name and JAVA_HOME according to what has already been installed in your system. [Remove Check from Install automatically]

#11) Now scroll down to Maven and click on “Add Maven” [Remove Check from Install automatically], Fill Name, and MAVEN_HOME. Then click on “Save”.

Finally, we have done with Jenkins Installation and configuration. Follow my articles to learn more!

If you find this post useful, please tap 👏 button below 😊

Best of Luck 👍

