Discover Amsterdam: Canals, Bikes, and a City of History

Writing Lovers
2 min readJust now
Photo by Adrien Olichon on Unsplash

If you’ve seen photos of the city 9 out of 10 times, maybe there’s a river. Amsterdam is famous for its canals that network the length and breadth of the city. They make a beautiful background for the pictures. And they love it!

Did you know that Amsterdam’s canals were originally built in the 17th century? The three main canals are the Herren Garchit, the Prinz Garchit, and the Kaiser Garchit. They are now part of UNESCO’s cultural heritage.
Another interesting thing is that all the old historical buildings are found in the main canals. “It is this breathtaking view that has earned the capital of the Netherlands the nickname” “Venice of the North.”

Although the rivers are certainly beautiful, they were built as a transportation network by boat. They’re still in use today!

The Dutch love cycling. Amsterdam is known as the cycling capital of the world. When you walk through the city, you will find bicycles almost everywhere. I’m not your child! An interesting fact about Dutch bikes in Amsterdam is that there are more than a million bicycles in the city and not so many people! Yes, there is more than one bicycle per person.
Nevertheless, many bicycles are stolen every year. And some are taken out of the canals.

