How to Create a Newsletter on LinkedIn and Best Practices in 2024: Everything You Need to Know

Farhan Saeed
12 min readJan 29, 2024


This article was first published on LinkedIn (Content Hustle) by Farhan Saeed.

The term “Newsletter” is often heard by most of us while shopping or browsing random websites. If you haven’t heard of it before, here’s what a newsletter is.

“A newsletter is an electronic document/report sent to your email to update you about the latest news, activities, upcoming releases, discounts, freebies, and any such event”.

The purpose of sending newsletters to readers’ mailboxes is to keep them informed, and updated, and sometimes to convert them into recurring customers. In simple words, newsletters are sent to nurture potential clients and convert them in the long run.

Setting up newsletters, collecting emails, and sending them regularly requires a good amount of time and effort. But what if setting up a Newsletter requires just a few clicks and strokes to nurture your leads, grow your fan base, and keep them informed?

If you are short of time but still want to keep your readers informed, nurture them, and convert them, “LinkedIn Newsletter” is going to give you everything in one place.

In this post, you will learn about:

  • What is a LinkedIn Newsletter?
  • How is LinkedIn Newsletter Different from Regular LinkedIn Posts?
  • LinkedIn Newsletter Examples
  • List of Top LinkedIn Newsletters
  • How to Create a Newsletter on LinkedIn?
  • How to Start a Newsletter on LinkedIn?
  • How to Find Newsletters on LinkedIn
  • What are the LinkedIn Newsletter Best Practices?
  • LinkedIn Newsletter Analytics/Metrics
  • LinkedIn Newsletter Pros and Cons
  • How can I Help You Keep Your LinkedIn Newsletter Updated?

Let’s get started.

What is a LinkedIn Newsletter?

LinkedIn Newsletter is a newly introduced feature by one of the popular and widely used professional social networking websites.

LinkedIn Newsletter is a newly introduced feature by one of the popular and widely used professional social networking websites.

LinkedIn Newsletter is similar to a typical newsletter you send to subscribers to their email boxes. The major difference is that LinkedIn Newsletter contains a series of articles on a specific topic/niche published and notified to subscribers via email, push notification, or in-app.

For instance, if you are a local SEO agency offering services in a particular region to boost visibility among locals and gain traction, you can write something relevant to them.

Examples include:

  • What is Local SEO and how it can boost visibility?
  • Pros and Cons of hiring a local SEO agency?
  • Difference between local SEO and international SEO
  • How to convert leads into recurring clients through local SEO?

As soon as you publish a series of articles on the LinkedIn newsletter, subscribers comprising of leads, readers interested in local SEO, and big and small agencies will get a notification on LinkedIn as well as mail.

Why LinkedIn Newsletter if I Own a Website?

A question frequently asked by webmasters “Why LinkedIn Newsletter when I own a website”?

There are several reasons to create a LinkedIn Newsletter and regularly publish articles.

  1. The majority of visitors are not your subscribers. They avoid subscribing to the newsletter to avoid email bombardment (most of the websites often do). LinkedIn Newsletter is more about publishing articles of reader’s interest. They might convert into recurring clients.
  2. Founders, startups, entrepreneurs, and big and small agencies might not be aware of your company and website. Publishing LinkedIn Newsletter regularly will somehow reach to their LinkedIn feed through mutual connections. The result — you may end up converting them. Imagine closing a six-figure deal in a jiffy without putting much effort into publishing, designing, and promoting.
  3. LinkedIn is a huge social networking website for professionals around the world. Imagine waking up in the morning to check the status of your LinkedIn Newsletter article you published a week ago and finding that it is ranking on featured snippets of Google.

If you are underestimating the power of LinkedIn Newsletter, here’s an example.

I published an article on LinkedIn Newsletter about “B2b SaaS Content Writing”. Just after a day or two, my article was ranking on featured snippets.

The article was not over-optimized with keywords. Just a random writeup and boom. I was stunned to see the power of LinkedIn Newsletter on that day and focused more on building my list.

I gained almost 500 subscribers within a week.

If that’s not enough, I can you another example of an article on my LinkedIn Newsletter.

Did you notice that my article how do content marketers help startups to build their presence and promote their brand? is ranking right below a high-authority website like Ahrefs.

How is LinkedIn Newsletter Different from Regular LinkedIn Posts?

LinkedIn Newsletter and regular LinkedIn Posts are different in many ways. For instance, a LinkedIn Post is a short update that could be anything related to your company, event, success, or a summary of your past experience. It could be in the form of a carousel, picture, video, or text.

Whereas LinkedIn Newsletter can be a long-form article that is sent to your subscribers’ mailbox or notified through LinkedIn Notification.

LinkedIn Newsletter Examples

LinkedIn Newsletter examples include

  1. Content Hustle
  2. Content Nuggets
  3. Business Marketing Simplified

List of Top LinkedIn Newsletters

Some of the top LinkedIn Newsletters include

  1. In the Loop
  2. Ask Richard
  3. HBR Management Tip of the Week
  4. Forbes Edge
  5. Must Reads
  6. The Economist’s Week Ahead
  7. WSJ Careers and Leaderships
  8. Insider Today
  9. Gates Notes
  10. Emotional Intelligence

The top 10 LinkedIn Newsletter is sorted from most subscribers to least subscribers.

How to Create a Newsletter on LinkedIn in 2024?

Creating a Newsletter on LinkedIn is just easy and needs a few clicks to start.

Follow the steps below to create a Newsletter on LinkedIn.

  1. Go to Creator Hub and see whether there is a Creator Tools option available. If you are unable to see the section, you can visit it after a day or two.

2. If you can see the Creator Tools option, you are eligible for Newsletter criteria. Click on it and follow the instructions.

Things to Remember Before Creating a LinkedIn Newsletter

LinkedIn Newsletter is an opportunity for everyone from freelancers to agencies and brands to startups. However, before creating a LinkedIn Newsletter, it is important to know a few things.

  • You are allowed to create only one LinkedIn Newsletter
  • Once deleted, you won’t be able to create another one
  • You can only publish one article every 24 hours on LinkedIn Newsletter

Before creating a LinkedIn Newsletter, make sure to choose a name carefully. It could be anything from the niche you choose or the company you are working/running. Consider it as a brand name for your business. So don’t rush and create a LinkedIn Newsletter without making a mistake.

How to Write a Newsletter on LinkedIn?

Now that you have created a LinkedIn Newsletter, it is time to publish your first article. But where is the option to publish a LinkedIn Newsletter? Follow the steps below.

  1. Open LinkedIn and Sign in with your credentials
  2. On the homepage, you will see an option “Write an Article”. Click on it.

What are the LinkedIn Newsletter Best Practices 2024?

Considering the LinkedIn Newsletter an ordinary platform isn’t a wise approach. So before you get started, make sure to go through LinkedIn Newsletter best practices. Don’t forget to implement these strategies and tips to gain traction and reach the target audience. Let’s see some of the best LinkedIn Newsletter practices.

  1. Choose the Name Carefully

Consider LinkedIn Newsletter as your brand name. What would you do before registering a company or a domain? You will definitely pick a name or go with the existing one. The same applies to the LinkedIn Newsletter.

For instance, I created a LinkedIn Newsletter with the name “Content Hustle”, as my area of expertise is content marketing, SEO content writing, SEO copywriting, SaaS Content Writing, and eBook writing. I cover everything related to website content, keyword research, SEO optimization, digital marketing, content marketing, and much more.

2. LinkedIn Newsletter Image Size for Logo

The LinkedIn Newsletter logo should not be ordinary, particularly if you are working as a design agency. The recommended LinkedIn Newsletter Image size for the logo is 300x300 pixels. I created my logo using Adobe Express. Just choose the design, color, and font to create a logo in a matter of minutes.

3. Add a LinkedIn Cover Photo

A picture is worth a thousand words. Adding a LinkedIn cover photo will surely attract a large audience. The recommended LinkedIn Newsletter cover photo size is 1920x1080. Use free stock images and avoid using an image with a watermark/logo.

4. Easy to Understand Title

The title of your LinkedIn Newsletter article should be easy to understand. Don’t forget to do some research before finalizing the title. I normally take care of two things when deciding a title:

  • It’s SEO friendly and has some search volume (sometimes it may not be the case)
  • Concisely explain everything that readers would get to know

5. Write SEO Meta

LinkedIn Newsletter requires everything you need to make it Search Engine Friendly. Before publishing your article in the LinkedIn Newsletter, make sure to add a Meta Title and Meta Description. The best practice is to optimize your metas with relevant keywords used in the article. My approach to writing SEO Metas is to look for suggestions at the end of Google search results.

6. Write Regularly to Engage Readers

One of the best ways to get traction and engage readers is to write regularly. Especially if you have just started, you need to publish every alternate day. During my first month, I regularly updated my LinkedIn Newsletter and within no time, I touched the 500 mark. You can do that too. However, don’t overdo it as it may annoy your readers and may force them to unsubscribe.

7. Use Call to Action in LinkedIn Newsletter

A LinkedIn Newsletter is similar to writing a blog on your website. If you are writing for the readers without giving them a solution, what’s the point?

Try not to be salesy and write to the point. For instance, if you have read this post from the beginning, you may have noticed how I make it easy for everyone to know what’s needed. I shared screenshots, provided links, and helped in any possible way to help you get started with the LinkedIn Newsletter.

How to Find Newsletters on Linkedin?

Finding newsletters on LinkedIn you have subscribed to can be viewed by following the steps below.

  • On the LinkedIn homepage, click the Me icon at the top right below your profile picture
  • Click on View Profile and scroll down to the Resources Section
  • You can view the list of LinkedIn Newsletters you have subscribed to
  • If you want to unsubscribe to any of the LinkedIn Newsletters, click on the link from the list and choose unsubscribe.

LinkedIn Newsletter Analytics

LinkedIn Newsletter analytics is not too detailed but can give you an overview of its performance. Here’s everything you need to know about LinkedIn Newsletter Analytics.

How to Access LinkedIn Newsletter Analytics

LinkedIn Newsletter Analytics can be viewed right above the LinkedIn newsletter box.

Click on View Analytics and you will get to know the performance of your LinkedIn Newsletter.

After clicking the View Analytics, you can view:

  • Views on your LinkedIn Newsletter Articles
  • Impressions on LinkedIn Newsletter Articles
  • Engagements
  • Article Views
  • Numbers of New Subscribers
  • Demographics of Subscribers
  • List of Subscribers and their LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Newsletter Pros and Cons

LinkedIn Newsletter is no less than having your own website. You are being heard, you are being noticed, and you are being contacted. What more do you expect?

To elaborate further, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of a LinkedIn Newsletter.

LinkedIn Newsletter Pros

LinkedIn Newsletter benefits are just mind-blowing. At least what I have observed great traction on my LinkedIn profile and have successfully attracted a number of digital and marketing agencies to benefit from my services. Here are some of the advantages of LinkedIn Newsletter.

  1. Start without Investing a Dime

Starting without investing a dime to gain traction and engage the audience is challenging in today’s digital era. You have plenty of platforms and millions of voices buzzing around. But LinkedIn is a haven for every professional whether it be a startup, freelance agency, or an enterprise.

Without wandering here and there and searching for the right people to read what’s being shared, you can reach the target audience in a short span.

2. Rank on Google

LinkedIn Newsletter is as powerful as a website. You can write a well-researched SEO-optimized article and rank on Google’s top position. As I have already shared screenshots of my articles that ranked on featured snippets. Surprisingly I was also unaware of how LinkedIn Newsletter article can gain top position on search engine.

Without doing off-page SEO such as building links, you can rank on Google. Whether you have a website or not, don’t forget to share something insightful your readers would love to read, like to share, and comment on it for better reach.

3. No Third Party Subscription Required

The biggest advantage of sharing articles on LinkedIn Newsletter is that you don’t have to invest in third-party apps such as MailChimp. Just set up your LinkedIn Newsletter as discussed earlier and start gaining subscribers and attracting readers to help them inform and convert in the future.

No Complex Setup

Creating a LinkedIn Newsletter takes not more than a few minutes. On the contrary, you need to go through a tedious process of setting up a newsletter on your website with third-party apps. Once you have created your LinkedIn Newsletter, all you need is to write a well-researched article, optimize it, and publish it. Subscribers will be notified about your latest release via mailbox and LinkedIn notification.

4. Best for Startups, Agencies, and Freelancers

Managing a website and publishing a blog requires hours in addition to the time spent on writing an article. But with LinkedIn Newsletter, you can publish your article within minutes after writing. No need to spend hours and hours designing a blog image, adding elements, or dealing with the website’s complexities. Even if you are a complete newbie, you can start publishing articles on LinkedIn Newsletter immediately.

Cons of LinkedIn Newsletter

After setting up my LinkedIn Newsletter and publishing articles, I can’t think of any cons. However, for the sake of argument, here are a few cons you should not bother about.

  1. LinkedIn Newsletter is Not Your Personal Website

Yes, that’s true, LinkedIn is a social networking platform owned by someone else. You don’t own it just as you do in the case of your website. However, considering the ownership, you may think of it as a powerful backlink that can help your website and audience grow for free.

2. Monitoring the Performance

Analyzing the performance of your LinkedIn Newsletter is not as good as for your personal website. For instance, analytics for LinkedIn Newsletter allow you to see how many subscribers you have gained, people who have reacted, impressions on the article, comments, and areas from where people read it. However, you can add it to Google Analytics to gain more insight about LinkedIn Newsletter performance.

How can I Help You Keep Your LinkedIn Newsletter Updated?

LinkedIn Newsletter is a powerhouse for marketers, agencies, and freelancers. The more you write, the greater the engagement, and better the conversion rate.

If you are short of time but still want to get noticed among potential clients, influencers, and companies, you can hire me to manage your LinkedIn Newsletter for a month starting at only $140.

It includes everything from writing long-form content to adding images, creating meta tags, keyword research and optimization, and a Call to Action.

Feel free to contact me on Skype/Email/Google Meet.

Just ping me on LinkedIn to decide time and project details.

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Don’t Forget to Subscribe to My LinkedIn Newsletter (Content Hustle)



Farhan Saeed

Farhan Saeed is a certified content strategist with over decade of experience in writing SEO Optimized Content.