Farheen Naaz
6 min readFeb 3, 2023



The modern use of devices and computers to present information is referred to as the "digital age." Our societies and daily activities have been significantly impacted by the digital age. It came with a lot of potential as well as costs, thus it has a lot of benefits and drawbacks.

We live in a time when experts in digital technologies are working to push the envelope and develop technology that is unimaginably advanced. Technology is now used as a means of expression, interaction, entertainment, learning, etc. thanks to the digital world.

Due to the ease of utilising digital gadgets for messaging, sending/receiving pictures/music/video calls, and the hundreds of other functions they have, we now live in a digital world where these devices have radically altered the way humans have lived in the past. We can now complete multiple tasks while holding these devices in our hands, such as reading messages, listening to music, speaking with someone, checking Facebook accounts, etc. However, how do we divide our focus between these tasks? Although humans lack the ability to simultaneously monitor multiple tasks, we can still provide multitasking services that are just as accurate as those provided by computers.

The majority of us were aware that humans would eventually become most dependent on digital technology at some point in their lives. Consider how we utilise smart phones, ipads, laptops, and other devices. The most crucial inquiry here is: Can we survive without these items in our possession or pockets? We always carry these items with us when we go to the bathroom. The majority of us rely heavily on these devices for our daily lives and activities, so the answer is unquestionably "no."

Humans use these digital devices mostly for their memory, which has grown incredibly quickly and effectively. We store very important secrets, critical business documents, important pictures, and other things in the memory section of digital devices. Not only because of its dependability, but also because it has the capacity to keep the data we save for a very long time as long as we have our machines and nobody else can access them without our consent.

By developing and enhancing the digital memory that we utilise, memory engineers have been able to simplify our lives. Instead of storing information in our heads or on paper, we simply store it on our digital devices and carry it with us wherever we go. Once the information is stored, we don’t even give it a second thought.



Social life in societies has been significantly altered by the digital era. Most of our social interactions in the past were personal and unrecorded. With the advent of the digital age, that is less and less the case. Digital traces of our interactions with one another online are left behind. Large databases containing a wide variety of data about our social behaviours are maintained by companies like Facebook and Twitter. Consider a time before email, internet messengers, and mobile devices were commonplace.

In fact, the development of cellular technology made wireless communication possible. Long-distance communication has been greatly accelerated by web communication tools. With the aid of social networks like BBM, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and others, we can now connect with and stay in touch with our family, friends, and even our enemies. On the other hand, they have denied humanity the comfort of face-to-face interaction.

Given its open nature, the internet is unregulated. The content that appears on websites is unregulated. Since so many people have developed an addiction to online gambling, kids now have easy access to pornographic websites and unsuitable material. The effects of excessive internet use are evident. Children now spend all of their time playing online and very little time outside. Teenagers miss out on the pleasures of authentic social life because they spend the majority of their time social networking.


The digital era has greatly aided the economy as well. One of the effects of the digital age on modern countries' economies is the industrial revolution, which increased production of goods and services while also ensuring that those items were delivered to the right location at the right time. Additionally, globalisation and outsourcing would not be nearly as practical as they are today if not for the world wide web (www). The way people and businesses communicate has drastically changed as a result of the digital revolution. Access to much larger markets was suddenly made available to small regional businesses. Innovations in every sphere of business and daily life are now conceivable because to ideas like on-demand services, manufacturing, and fast declining technological costs.


In-depth analysis of the effects of the digital age on political life in society reveals another significant effect to consider: people now leave their homes during election seasons to cast their votes for the candidates they support. This is because people now have the freedom to choose their leaders whenever they want. Any well-educated person who meets the requirements to run for office during an election is eligible to do so.

Today, you can write an article, letter, or even use one of the many computers present to go online, look for one of your leaders, and have a conversation with him or her about the political issues that constantly arise, such as the issue of leader corruption, the misuse of public funds, etc., and the best way to address all of these issues. Things that were previously out of reach for the average person could now be obtained, raising the standard of living.

We integrate thanks to the nature and calibre of our interactions in the digital age. Everything around us has given us complete freedom to use the digital world as humans do. We communicate with one another frequently online (via images, personal and family history, feelings, etc.), but we have also learned to respect one another’s differences. Instead of calling friends or sending invitation cards, we even use Facebook to distribute invitations for private parties, birthday celebrations, and other events. Those we invite reply to our invitations by indicating whether they can attend the event or not and even by sending their best wishes.

Perhaps we should consider whether we are secure in this digital environment (social media, etc.) and whether we are sufficiently aware of the risks associated with the digital age. What about our own confidentiality and the data we divulge? We may be aware that disclosing information on social media can seriously harm someone’s reputation, career, or even relationships or social standing. Since technology has played and will continue to play a significant role in our society, being aware of the risks of the digital world and learning about our own privacy will encourage us to take responsibility for the information we share about ourselves.

Technology has had a significant impact on our culture. It has both good and bad aspects. Every aspect of life has been greatly influenced by technology. Although it has made life simpler, it might become boring one day. Only when an accomplishment is the result of labour can it be valued. However, everything has lost its value because it is now so readily available thanks to technology. After working for something, there is a certain amount of satisfaction in seeing it through. However, there is no striving when everything is just a few clicks away; only striking. We may be able to enjoy all the expensive luxuries in life thanks to technological advancements, but at the expense of its priceless joys.

