What do you know about the Negative Effects of Social Media?

Farid Mahiroglu
6 min readJun 27, 2018


Nowadays​, We live in the internet revolution century and the internet play a remarkable role in our living. It is irrefutable that over 1 million people register in social media. We take immense benefits of social networking today, set up circle around ourselves, destroy distances among people, possibly, create our business, and make our money. Unfortunately, almost we, slowly, forgot how much our ancestors were physically active and do not spend a lot of time by sitting in front of the computer screens. “Be careful and try to avoid the negative effects of social media”. Very often we confronted to this kind of message in the headlines. Is it true that social is like how it seems to us or maybe social media, unconsciously, we become dependent from it?

I recommend you visit this site, which provides valuable information about all social media platforms. Annual income, number of active visitors, Stories and other information. www.socialmediaplatforms.net

Psychologically and Mentally Negative Effects of Social Media

Social media damage our health psychologically and mentally. Social media create addiction in people because many of them need to feel to control, simultaneously, last shares, videos, stalk the friends’ profiles and they have a fear of miss outs the latest posts. In reality, now, few of us enjoy real life activities. Social media addiction increase the people’s loneliness, make depressive, dismay, induce to lose self-esteem. By seeing the others’ happy photos, they think that they are not happy in the life like others, they become unsatisfied with their life and they begin to think that their unhappiness will go forever for them. Some of them start to live with full of thoughts, not to connect people around because they become overloaded by enormous information coming from social media and, eventually, they tend to be depressive. But, now, let us take a look that how social networking rises selfishness in many people.

On the contrary, social media invoke some categories of people to exhibit their expensive jewellery, cars, villas, eating expensive food in luxury restaurants and eventually, feeding their own egos, make people more proud with their lives. After all, all of these reason of certain people’s depression and isolation come from here. To what extend social media are good or bad for our mental health is disputable. To have even hundreds and even thousands friend does not show we are socially active in the life. We become friends with people who we have never seen in real life even once on social media platforms. Occasionally, we accept, without thinking, very random people or friends of friends to our friendship list. Nevertheless, we do not know the real purpose of those people, it is almost safety and security loses in itself. Some of people make an arbitrary decision on meeting the people whom we know from the social media which is very perilous and we are not aware what will happen and what this will bring to us afterwards.

Let’s think a little bit deeply: you invite your friends whom you believe and know from your own workplace or university or school to meet in your home or somewhere else which you arrange for meeting, it is generally very normal. When you meet someone from social media you cannot be sure if they are innocent, you cannot know if he/she will deceive or cheat you. This is how traffickers use social media to lure vulnerable teenagers into the sex work. By means of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter now helping vehicle for the traffickers to use them in the woman and children are trafficking. In majority, 90 percent of trafficking women and children happen because of social media. Social media is harmful​because it creates opportunities for also burglary and robbery. Social media is harmful because by using it burglars threaten people’s life.

Negative Effects of Social Media on Society

Every day, in social media, much information is shared by people. Social media is a very big information platform and give large opportunities to burglars collect information about their properties. It is almost like spying people’s daily activities, getting information about when they come and leave the home for holidays or work travels and detect the right time to robber their properties. Statistically, 78 percent of burglars define their potential victims on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It is worth to mention about negative effects of social media on society, mainly, to people’s health. Reality is that we live 21 century, the social media is very widespread and hard to avoid from registering from them.

Social media is the primary reason of many health problems such as obesity, lumbago (back ache), it is dangerous for our nervous system, spinal core, consequently, transmission to other inner organs such as liver, stomach, kidneys and etc. It was proven that women are, emotionally, much more influenced by social media. Not only women but also men the high jealousy can break the relationships because of opacition emerge between them. Thus, the one spouse can add very handsome/beautiful person to the friendship which can lead to opacity behaviours or not giving immediate answers to the partners can even cause to the divorce. Today, few people understand that it is meaningless to judge the partner because of social media.

Negative Impact of Social Media on Children and Teenagers

Social media is not a real life. A social media impact on society is increasing and by time passing, people cannot make distinguish between online and real life. Imagine that, how our parents’ friendship is before and how are ours. In our parents could make difference who best suits to their characteristics, they used to eliminate whom they did not like so that friendships were too much spontaneous. Staying isolated from the public today and social media wasting time spoil people’s life, confuse their mind, cause to additional challengeable effort to them in identifying who is good, who does not deserve their friendship.

Negative impact of social media on children and teenagers: Social media affects on children and teenagers. It is clear that children and teens have inclination to be liked by others more, comparing, and adults. They can spend more and more time in order to post the best and most interesting status to obtain more likes from their friends.

In fact, ‘likes’ are of great essence for them and when they see that their posts are less liked by others they feel unsatisfied and scattered .However, instead of suppress their potential talents by wasting their time on social networking, they can explore themselves, focus on rise in education, spend their time more on real life activities and boost their ties with their real life, friendships more and create strong life relationships, build mighty empathy with the people around. Another negative impact of social media on children and teenagers does not restricted with this, that is lack of writing skills and many schools complain about the students’ spelling mistakes.

Obviously, on social networking sites children see posts and comments from the others who write much slang, impolite ways of speaking like, sometimes, hate speech and they do many abbreviations. Hereby, they think they can use everything and do their assignments in this way in the school. This everything spoils their appropriate grammar and they repeat their grammatical mistakes. Therefore, student needs to enforce their grammatical knowledge in first, not to confuse the social media and academic writings.

In summary, we cannot claim that social media does not have role in the rise of our life quality and welfare. However, sometimes, the negative effects of social media can be disastrous. We should advice young generation, initially, our children not to use in an inefficient and insignificant manner. People need to realize the both sides; advantages and disadvantages of social media, utilize it consciously, not to prone to its impediments. Because the life is not too long, try not to waste it on worthless activities which will not add anything to your life.



Farid Mahiroglu

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