Create Your Own VS Code Themes: A Simple Guide

Farid Vatani
3 min readJul 9, 2024


VS Code Themes

Hello Folks! If you’re passionate about customizing your coding setup, you’ve come to the right place. The Theme Studio for VS Code makes it incredibly easy to design and deploy your own VS Code themes from scratch. Why make a custom theme? Personal Touch: Make your coding environment feel more like you. Comfort: Choose colors that are easier on your eyes, especially if you code for long hours. Focus: Highlight important parts of your code to make them stand out more. Ready to create your own custom theme? Let’s get started!

What is Theme Studio for VS Code?

Theme Studio is a handy tool that helps you create personalized themes for VS Code. Whether you like dark, cool colors or bright, vibrant ones, this tool lets you customize everything to match your style.

How to Get Started

Step 1: Visit Theme Studio

Head over to Theme Studio for VS Code to start creating your theme.

Step 2: Check Out Existing Themes

Look at some existing themes first. This can give you ideas and show you what’s possible. You can also ‘star’ themes you like to save them for later.

Step 3: Create a New Theme

Click “Create New Theme.” You’ll need to name your theme and choose a base (dark or light).

Step 4: Customize Your Theme

You can customize a lot of different parts:

  • Workbench: Change the look of the activity bar, status bar, and sidebar.
  • Editor: Adjust the colors for keywords, strings, comments, and more.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Set colors for different programming languages.

Use the color picker to get just the right shades you want.

Step 5: Preview Your Changes

As you make changes, you can see them in real time. This helps you tweak your theme until it’s just right.

Step 6: Save and Export

When you’re happy with your theme, save it. You can export it as a VS Code extension to use it yourself or share it with others.

Step 7: Star and Share

Don’t forget to ‘star’ your favorite themes. It helps you keep track of them and shows others what you like. Share your own theme too, so others can enjoy it.

Tips for a Great Theme

  1. Keep it Consistent: Use similar colors throughout your theme.
  2. High Contrast: Make sure the text stands out from the background.
  3. Test it Out: Try your theme with different languages to see how it looks.
  4. Get Feedback: Ask friends or colleagues to try your theme and give feedback.

Making your own VS Code theme is a fun way to personalize your coding setup and boost your productivity. Theme Studio makes it easy and enjoyable. Start creating today and see how unique colors and styles can change your coding experience.

Check out Theme Studio for VS Code to get started.

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Thank you for reading!

