Dr. York/Imam Isa: Nuwaubian King of Pedophilia, Tricknology, and Psychobabble by Fari Magdala

Cllo C’Roc
6 min readOct 5, 2017


Cults: Dr. Malachi Dwight York Nuwaubian Nation of Moors

Who is Dr. Malachi York? Dr. York is a convicted pedophile, cult leader , master manipulator, and religious despot. Dwight Malachi York was arrested in 2002 with 100 counts of child molestation stacked against him . York is currently incarcerated in a federal prison. He’s serving a 135 year sentence.

Was York set up? My views are the views of an x-member of the Nuwaubian Nation of Moors. The group later became the the Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek Nation.

The compound they lived on was called Tama-Re. The land was sold by the government and dismantled in 2005. The Southern Poverty Law Center described Dr. York as a “black supremacist cult leader”. Yes, he most certainly was. I joined this cult when I was 16 years old. I had no idea what it meant to be a Black Supremacist. I was a run-away. I was provided with a place to live, eat and sleep. I was thankful! Surely, I was afraid to dissect the cult’s teachings. I loved the children.


By Wrupcich

Dr. York was a control freak who ruled “ his “ nation with hands of steel. He fabricated ludicrous doctrine sounded a lot like Islam. Yet, York a added his own bizarre, straight from outer space twists. The “ nation “ moved to upstate New York in 1997. By the year 2000, the Moors Muslim teachings had already flown south.

Dr. York said he was an alien. Dr. York spoke about being a captain of sorts from “ The Mother Ship “. What on earth or beyond earth is the “ Mother Ship “? Come on now! Did anyone take the time to research Dr. York’s doctrines of error? Can I reason with you? I must reason with myself. Was following the every word of a “ leader “ who claimed alien citizenship a wise thing do?

Did Malachi York prove his claims? Did he show converts a green arm or leg? Did he do anything magical like fly or levitate? Did he produce an alien passport? Did he show the Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek Nation any proof of his celestial citizenship? I saw no proofs! If you lived in the compound, did you receive solid evidence of Dr. York’s alien pedigree?

Why? Why did York’s subjects listen, and absorb the tales like sponges? What made us so docile? Well, we were lost in the arms of a master cultist manipulator. Dr. Malachi York: Master of the game. He was an intelligent but solely devious man.


Is this Dr. Malachi York’s Mother Ship?

What about Dr. York’s Mother Ship? Why didn’t he have photo’s of the alien God crew? He said he was from an advanced galaxy. I’m sure advanced galaxies can produce photo’s at whim. Dr. York boasted about his status as the extraterrestrial master teacher from the planet Rizq. This teller of tall tales painted word pictures about celestial adventures.

According to the Gospel of Dr. York , he propelled himself to earth from the galaxy Illyuwn. Did Dr. York miss his calling? Do we need more science fiction writers? Enter Dr. York!

The bad doctor promised his followers a paradise unlike any other. As the story goes, he convinced his African-American converts that a spaceship would return to take them back to planet Rizq.

He baptized us in the waters of absurdity, and dubbed us “ Nubian “. His brand of “ Nubian “ was sheer, utter non-sense. Dr. York’s teachings skirted the borders of insanity. As he swung his gold, 5 pointed star pendant in every eye, our connections with reality dissolved .


by Isreal Perello Martinez

Dr. York captured every convert, clipped our wings and housed us in his bottle. Master manipulative despots excel in this sort of thing. They despise butterflies. Cult professionals, con men, pimps, pimpettes’ and false preachers hate our winsome freedom.

York prophesied. His alien cohorts would collect 144,000 believers, and shuffle us off to extraterrestrial kingdoms. Yes, one day he promised we’d all be free of this world.

Let me just remind you and myself. In 2002, Dr. Dwight Malachi York was convicted of child abuse and molestation. When he was 19 he was convicted of raping a 13-year-old . In 2002, York was charged with over 100 counts of child molestation. He was sentenced in 2004 to 135 years in prison. For more information, please see the link below.


So, here we are in 2016. Dr. York still has a steady following campaigning to free him from “ the system”. Yes, once again, the white man is to blame. The charges were part of a conspiracy planned by the powers that be. Why? Why are we convinced that every single difficult road leads back to…


Wolves study our every move.

So, some think Dr. York is innocent on all counts. Yet, he pleaded guilty to 100 counts of child sexual abuse +. He will remain in federal prison for the next 135 years.

Let me tell you what else, for I have seen these things with my own two eyes. You may believe me or you won’t. This is freely your call. I lived in the compound for 10 years. Malachi York “ the chief “ was both a friend and eventual foe.

Dr. York is guilty of transporting underage children across state lines. Dr. York is guilty of welfare fraud. Dr. York is guilty of sleeping with every woman that ever caught his perverted eye. Dr. York is guilty of masquerading about like someone in their right mind. Dr. York is guilty of tax evasion. Dr. York is guilty of stirring the pots of his doctrine to a rabid dog frenzy of overwhelming foolery.

Dr. York is guilty of working his followers all but to their death. Dr. York didn’t have the decency to pay his round the clock, workaholic slaves one red cent. Dr. Malachi York is guilty of master con man-ship extraordinaire.

Dr. York is guilty of using people as a means for his own evil end. Dr. York was a dangerously unstable man. Can you not weep for the children he shoved his member into? Man, have you no ability to grieve for innocence lost? Woman, where is your heart, soul, compassion and mind. If you truly lived on the compound, you know what you saw. You know that York slept with a gazillion women. You know his tastes, he ways, his behaviors.

Talk to other people and connect the painful dots. As for the African-American community, we also help destroy ourselves. We lived with and worshiped a man who desperately needed psychiatric help. Pedophiles are dysfunctional human beings who ruin lives WE MUST intervene, restore and save.

Dr. York is a guilt-less liar yet claiming innocence. Tricky slick like oil on already smooth slippery slopes.

Study pedophilia. Study sociopaths. Study deviant behavior. Study thieves and pathological liars. Study as much as you can about cult programming, Pimpology, mind games, and psychological manipulation.

Dr. Malachi York’s Mother Ship doctrine was an A-1 example of classic, cult mind control tricknology.

Think Marshall Herff Applewhite and “ Hisversion of the Mother Ship doctrine. Do you know how many of Applewhite converts committed suicide under his maniacal watch?

