The Longest Job Opening Ad You’ll Read in a While — Catalyst is Looking for Strategy Analysts/Sr. Strategy Analysts/Strategy Interns

Farina J. Situmorang
7 min readMar 26, 2019

Warning: this is a really long job opening we only want those who apply to actually read all the way, have a great day to you all who stopped reading at this point!

Catalyst Strategy is a strategic narrative consulting firm. We help clients build a better and more empowering narrative for their organizations. These roles will be based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Narrative Building

Every leading organization has a great story to tell. The narratives that they are sharing to the world tell a story on how their services or products create an impact on their customers, their employees, and their partners. Unfortunately, many companies sometimes do not even control or own their narratives. They let others define them. Some companies allow their competition to define their stories for them. Can you think what one company will share to the world about their organization? Obviously, not something great, right?

Creating narratives is not an easy exercise. And yet, this narrative will drive the perception of a company in the public mind. While humans are natural storytellers; however when it comes to organizational narratives or company narratives, many companies ended up with the driest vision and mission statement that will bore people to sleep. Many won’t even be authentic and won’t do a company justice.

This is where Catalyst comes in. We help companies build better narratives. Narratives are highly strategic stories that companies will tell their customers and other stakeholders. Of course, this is usually the beginning. After we revamp the company/organization strategy, we also work at a brand or product level, starting from the strategy and all the way to marketing campaign execution.

Types of Project We Work On

Catalyst has worked with “non-market” and “market” narrative strategy projects. The two types of project have different target audiences. “Non-market” audiences are mainly non-customers or non-consumers. They are key stakeholders like policymakers, the government, NGOs, local communities, etc. The “market” audiences are mainly customers, consumers, shareholders. Usually, when we work on “market” narrative strategy projects, the stories we tell to the public can have a direct impact on a company’s bottom line or share prices. For “non-market” projects, the stories we tell can have a direct impact on government support for a company.

While we also work with traditional channels of communications, we considered ourselves as experts in digital strategy. One of our most well-known public projects was leading the digital strategy for the 2014 Jokowi Presidential Election campaign. We used a lot of digital tools and strategies in our campaigns or narrative-building efforts.

Working at Catalyst

At Catalyst we have four core teams:

  • Strategy
  • Creative
  • Technology
  • Operations and Support

Each team will work together closely as all our projects usually require the expertise from all teams.

Our Values

Before we explain what kind of teammates we would like to have, we should also tell you that we believe in the values of Love, Joy, and Abundance. Like most companies out there, we think that strong financial and business performance is a pre-requisite for a healthy and sustainable company. But we are also a values-driven company. We don’t believe in creating a work environment or delivering services that are not aligned with our values.

Okay, still here? Good. We now would like to tell you who we are looking for:

Who is Our Dream Teammate?

We are not yet talking about technical skills and qualifications here; what we are explaining below are more focused on someone’s attitude. We would love to have:

1. Someone who is already a manager of “one.” The “one” here is you. It means that you can manage and lead yourself well. We don’t have to micro-manage you, because you are already very proactive in learning how Catalyst is contributing value for our clients, so then you can position yourself on how to best support the team to do that, without your manager or project lead nagging on you. In general, we don’t like to be cranky to our colleagues. It’ll be awesome for everyone if you are independent enough to manage your self-discipline.

2. Someone who is highly curious in learning. Curious people are great to work with because they don’t stop learning. To them, education does not end after they graduate from university. They won’t give up when they are presented with a challenge. Instead, they would ask around, they read, they watch YouTube videos, they took courses, they researched.. they will do many things to keep themselves updated with the trends and build skills towards mastery.

3. Someone who takes ownership of their choice in the world. We believe this is a sign of maturity and it has nothing to do with age. But this shows that you know that everything is a choice and that whatever situation happens, you have a choice. For example, when it’s trafficky in Jakarta, you have a choice to complain about it, or you can dance through it, or listen to a podcast. You know that there is a choice and you don’t make excuses for things that you can still control (almost nothing is under our control, except for our response to any situation, so there you go).

4. Someone who is comfortable with ambiguity or uncertainty. We believe being in a small and nimble company, with the rate of change that is happening in the market, the disruptions that always happen, our world is highly ambiguous and uncertain. Not everyone is comfortable with this, and that’s okay, you probably should work where things are a lot more stable (and perhaps, dare we say, less exciting? kidding!). That’s cool. We get it. We don’t aim to be a chaotic company, we are quite calm and grounded as a company, but we accept there will be ups and downs. And projects can change directions. So, if you are comfortable with that, then great!

5. Someone who is open. He/she enjoys life and does not take her/himself too seriously. We would love to work with people who are (basically) not jerks. We’re sure there are plenty of companies out there where egotistical rockstars can thrive, but that’s not here. We look for team players and also leaders that can support other people’s growth around them. We look for people who can deliver great work, but at the same time can be a good friend to have outside of work. Team fit is crucial for us, and we strive to build a great culture, without toxic energy and politics inside.

Is this the longest job opening you’ve ever read? Good, that means you like what you’re reading so far.

Current Openings

Currently, we have an opening for Strategy Analyst and Senior Strategy Analyst roles for our Strategy Team. The technical requirements we look for are:

  • Background in marketing, strategy, business development, or analytical roles with internal or external clients
  • Understand marketing and business strategy frameworks, user-centered design principles, digital analytics tools
  • Curious with the behavior and trends of consumers and markets
  • Comfortable with numbers and at the same time like the creative process
  • Can tell stories well or sell or pitch ideas to others
  • Highly curious with social media, know what the critical metrics are
  • Our clients are mainly bilingual, so we need those who can speak and write well in both English and Bahasa Indonesia to a diverse audience (from millennials to C-level execs)
  • Graduated from a top university (overseas or local) with a min. GPA of 3.25 (of 4.0), we know this is not a sure sign of a great teammate, but we also need a filter somehow for rigorous analytical work that we do (if you believe you’re right for us even you don’t fulfill this requirement, then please send us why you think you’ll be a great fit)

We are also looking for Strategy Interns with these requirements:

  • Curious with the behavior and trends of consumers and markets
  • Comfortable with numbers and at the same time like the creative process
  • Can tell stories well or sell or pitch ideas to others
  • Highly curious with social media, know what the critical metrics are
  • Our clients are mainly bilingual, so we need those who can speak and write well in both English and Bahasa Indonesia to a diverse audience (from millennials to C-level execs)
  • A student from a top university (overseas or local) with a min. GPA of 3.25 (of 4.0), we know this is not a sure-sign of a great teammate, but we also need a filter somehow for rigorous analytical work that we do (if you believe you’re right for us even you don’t fulfill this requirement, then please send us why you think you’ll be a great fit)

Okay, lastly, here’s a bit of a sneak peek of what happens at Catalyst:

  • Cross-team meetings, stand-ups, or sprints occur regularly, you’re expected to work closely with everyone
  • Working with clients directly and getting involved in a strategic project that requires a lot of creativity and highly-analytical skills
  • Our team meetings every Tuesday consist of stretching your body, meditating, sharing your gratitude list, and tell everyone on a scale from 1–10 how happy you are that morning
  • We promote having lunch with a different person every day for you to have empathy and understanding with your teammates
  • We have book clubs where everyone has to present their knowledge of the book we’re currently reading, mainly to level up our skills
  • We encourage everyone to be healthy, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, so there are those who exercise together, meditate, dance together, etc.
  • 1:1 meeting with our leadership team is encouraged for coaching, mentorship, and support
  • We have fun Fridays where we do karaoke, a night out, movie nights, durian-eating contest, etc.

How to apply:

  • Send your resume to
  • On your email & cover letter please explain why you would like to work for Catalyst

Thank you for making it this far, you do you!

All the best,

Team Catalyst



Farina J. Situmorang

CEO & Co-founder of a stealth-mode startup. Based in Jakarta, Indonesia.