How Agriculture Apps Help Farming Community

Far Mart
3 min readNov 24, 2023

The evolution of technology has touched every facet of our lives, including the way we cultivate and procure our food. In the bustling matrix of agriculture, farming apps or agriculture apps have emerged as a beacon of hope, empowering farmers with knowledge and enabling precision in every step. From small family farms to vast agricultural enterprises, these digital tools are revolutionizing farming as we know it. FarMart is a Krishi app that provides cutting-edge network, seamless services and empowers farming community, retailers and traders across India. It fosters an interconnected community where sharing, support and synergy comes alive.

The Traditional Approach: Uncertainties and Challenges

Historically, farmers based their pricing decisions on a combination of last season’s prices, anecdotal evidence, and sporadic updates from local buyers or co-operatives. This approach was fraught with uncertainties:

Delayed Information: Traditional channels of information, such as newspapers or radio, did not provide daily updates, leading to decisions based on outdated data.

Lack of Wider Market Insight: A farmer’s knowledge was restricted to local markets, lacking a broader perspective of national or international price trends.

Vulnerability to Middlemen: With limited market intelligence, farmers were often at the mercy of middlemen who could manipulate prices to their advantage.

The Digital Shift: Farming Apps and Real-time Data

Emerging technology has been a boon for the agricultural sector, and farming apps or Kisan apps are at the forefront of this revolution:

Instant Price Updates: These apps offer real-time price updates from various markets. Whether it’s a local town market or an international commodity exchange, farmers can access current prices at their fingertips. FarMart provides price updates as per the latest mandi bhav making it convenient for the farming community to take financial decisions.

Historical Price Trends: Beyond the present, these apps provide historical data, allowing farmers to understand price trends over weeks, months, or even years.

Demand and Supply Analytics: Advanced apps analyze demand and supply metrics, offering predictive pricing that can help farmers decide when to sell for maximum profitability.

Crop-Specific Data: Given the diverse range of crops, farmers can access data tailored to their specific produce, ensuring relevant and accurate information. For example — FarMart allows farmers to tailor their cultivation practices according to retailer and market needs and give them insights on the right type of fertilizers and crops suited for the land.

A Win for Retailers and Consumers

While farmers stand at the forefront, the ripple effect of Agriculture apps benefits the entire agricultural supply chain. Retailers can collaborate directly with farmers, ensuring a fresher, more reliable source of produce. This not only streamlines the supply but also fosters trust among consumers. With apps detailing the journey of the produce — from seed to store — consumers are more informed and can make conscientious choices.

FarMart, an agriculture or Krishi app, also provides a platform to retailers to register farmers with their names and mobile numbers and send messages about their services, goods quality and quantity, shops, latest products and offers, if any. Additionally, rake information and credit ledger facility, a systematic record-keeping tool that tracks financial transactions, especially pertaining to credits is provided to retailers. Through credit ledger, retailers can maintain a record book or khata of their transactions.

Challenges and the Road Ahead

While farming apps present immense potential, challenges persist. There’s a digital divide, with some farmers lacking access to smartphones or the internet. Also, adapting to technology might be daunting for older farmers. Overcoming these challenges requires concerted efforts from tech developers, government bodies, and educational institutions.

A user-friendly interface, local language support, and offline functionalities can enable farming community to adapt to this new-age technology. Training programs and workshops can acquaint farmers with these digital tools, ensuring they harness the apps to their full potential.

In the vast landscape of agriculture, agriculture apps have sown seeds of a digital revolution. They embody the fusion of traditional wisdom with modern science, empowering farmers and enabling precision in every aspect. As technology evolves, one can only envision these apps becoming even more integral to agriculture, driving the sector towards a future that’s sustainable, efficient, and incredibly prosperous.

