[PRESS RELEASE] FarmaTrust has announced that it is bringing forward its Zoi private exchange release to November 2018.

2 min readAug 13, 2018


13 August 2018

Acceleration of availability of Zoi Exchange

FarmaTrust has announced that it has accelerated its plans to finalise the Zoi exchange to November this year. Following various discussions with its partners, in particular client requests, which operate in the pharmaceutical space, FarmaTrust requires that the platform is ready in order to be able to stake FTT such that its compliance tracking tokens can be deployed, as well as be used for the various data services that it provides. FarmaTrust is in discussions with several clients, and will hope to make an announcement in the near future.

Details of the functionality and use of the FTT token and in particular the way in which works, can be found in the FarmaTrust whitepaper, which is available on its website — www.farmatrust.com

Shahnawaz Aziz, CTO of FarmaTrust said “We are confident that we can have Zoi exchange working by the November timeframe and ensure that we provide the full benefits to our clients. We believe that the various patent applications we have already applied for previously as well as the clients that are coming on board means we will see an earlier adoption of the exchange.”

About FarmaTrust

FarmaTrust is the most efficient global pharmaceutical tracking system, ensuring that counterfeit drugs do not enter the supply chain and providing security to pharmaceutical companies, governments, regulators and the public. FarmaTrust’s blockchain based system utilises Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and big data analysis to deliver value added services, efficiency, and a transparent supply chain. The FarmaTrust system is safe, secure, encrypted, immutable and future proof. FarmaTrust is based in London, United Kingdom.


What is Blockchain?

A digital ledger in which transactions are recorded chronologically and publicly. This open, distributed ledger records transactions between two parties efficiently an, in a verifiable and permanent way, facilitating the creation of new and “trusted” networks.




Combining blockchain and AI to improve pharmaceutical supply chain efficiency and save lives.