Introduction: All About Zestar Apple Tree

3 min readNov 4, 2023


Zestar apples are a popular choice for fruit growers, offering a sweet and crisp taste that makes them a healthy snack option. This early-season variety, introduced by the University of Minnesota in 1999, has gained popularity for its exceptional flavor, high yield, and disease resistance. In this article, we will explore the characteristics, uses, care tips, health benefits, and landscaping potential of Zestar apple trees.

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Characteristics and Uses of Zestar Apple Tree

Zestar apples have a round shape and feature bright red and yellow skin with a rosy-red blush when exposed to sunlight. They are relatively small, about 3 inches in size, and have juicy flesh with a firm and crispy texture. These apples offer a well-balanced flavor profile with hints of honey and citrus, combining tartness and sweetness. They ripen in late August or early September, making them one of the first apple types to reach maturity each year. Zestar apples are resistant to cold temperatures and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months without losing their taste. They are versatile and can be enjoyed fresh, baked, cooked, or juiced.

Care Tips and Health Benefits of Zestar Apple Tree

Zestar apple trees thrive in rich soil with good drainage and regular fertilization. They are suitable for northern climates and require full exposure to sunlight. Checking soil moisture, using mulch, and testing for deficiencies before adding fertilizer are essential care steps.

Zestar apples are not only delicious but also offer numerous health benefits. They are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, contributing to overall well-being. These apples can help decrease cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar, aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the immune system. They are also abundant in antioxidants, which reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases.

Landscaping Potential of Zestar Apple Tree

With their spring blooms and stunning foliage, Zestar apple trees make excellent ornamental trees for landscaping. They attract birds, butterflies, and hummingbirds with their early spring nectar resources. Additionally, they provide shade for outdoor play areas and add aesthetic value to your backyard with their beautiful blooms and vibrant red fruits in the fall. Planting these trees in spring or fall allows them enough time to establish themselves before the fruit-bearing season begins.

Conclusion: Discover the Delight of Zestar Apples

Zestar apple trees offer exceptional taste, high yield, and disease resistance in a compact size, making them ideal for gardens or small orchards. Whether enjoyed fresh, baked, cooked, or juiced, these apples bring a distinct flavor profile to various recipes. Their health benefits, such as fiber content and antioxidant properties, contribute to overall well-being. Additionally, the Zestar apple tree enhances your landscape with its spring blooms and attractive fruits. Share your experience with Zestar apple trees in your garden, and let us know how they are thriving in your yard!

This article has its origins in farmerplanting.

