Apple Farming In Kenya; A Comprehensive Complete Farming Guide

6 min readJan 20, 2024


Apple farming is considered to be one of the most profitable agricultural activities in Kenya due to the high demand for apples both locally and internationally. The country has a suitable climate and soil conditions that support the cultivation of apples. Additionally, the Kenyan government has embarked on various initiatives to support agricultural activities, making the sector conducive for investment.

Kenya relies heavily on imported apples to meet the demand, especially during off-peak seasons when local production is limited. Countries such as South Africa, China, and the United States are major exporters of apples to Kenya. These imported apples include popular varieties like Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala, and Granny Smith.

Size of the farm

The profitability of apple farming in Kenya largely depends on the size of the farm. Small-scale apple farmers may not achieve significant returns due to their limited capacity to produce larger quantities to meet the market demand. On the other hand, large-scale apple farmers are well-positioned to maximize their profits due to their ability to lower production costs and leverage economies of scale.


The location of an apple farm plays a significant role in determining its profitability. Areas with favorable weather conditions, such as moderate temperatures and adequate rainfall, are ideal for apple farming. The soils also play a crucial role in the success of apple farming, and loamy soils with good drainage are highly recommended.

It’s important to note that apple farming requires specific climatic and soil conditions. Factors such as altitude, temperature, rainfall, and soil type play crucial roles in the success of apple cultivation. Before embarking on apple farming in Kenya, it is recommended to consult with local agricultural experts or consult Farmers Trend via 0724–559286, conduct soil tests, and consider the specific requirements of the apple variety you intend to grow.

Here are some of the suitable regions for apple farming in Kenya:

  1. Mount Kenya Region: This region, particularly areas around Nyeri and Meru, has cooler temperatures and higher altitudes, which are favorable for apple cultivation. The volcanic soils and adequate rainfall in these areas create a conducive environment for apple trees.
  2. Central Rift Valley: Areas such as Nyandarua, parts of Nakuru, and parts of Laikipia have cool temperatures and suitable altitudes for apple farming. The region experiences distinct seasons, including a cold period, which is beneficial for apple tree dormancy.
  3. Limuru and Tigoni: These areas in Kiambu County, situated in the central highlands of Kenya, have a temperate climate that is suitable for apple cultivation. The cool temperatures and ample rainfall make it conducive for growing apples.
  4. Aberdare Range: The higher elevations of the Aberdare Range, especially areas around Nyeri and Murang’a, provide favorable conditions for apple farming. The cool temperatures and well-drained soils in this region contribute to successful apple cultivation.
  5. Eastern Rift Valley: Certain parts of the Eastern Rift Valley, including areas around Naivasha and parts of Baringo County, have the potential for apple farming. The region’s cooler temperatures and moderate rainfall provide favorable conditions for apple tree growth.
  6. Western Kenya Highlands: Some parts of the Western Kenya Highlands, particularly areas around Nandi Hills and parts of Uasin Gishu County, have shown promise for apple cultivation. The high altitudes, cool temperatures, and well-drained soils in these regions create a conducive environment for apple trees.
  7. Mount Elgon: The slopes of Mount Elgon, especially in areas such as Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia counties, offer suitable conditions for apple farming. The region experiences cooler temperatures due to its elevation, and the volcanic soils provide good drainage for apple trees.

When selecting a region for apple farming, it is essential to consider factors such as altitude, temperature, rainfall distribution, and soil characteristics. Apples require a significant chilling period during the dormant season, which aids in flower bud development and subsequent fruit production. Additionally, well-drained soils, preferably loamy or sandy loam, are advantageous for apple tree growth.

Weather conditions

Apple farming depends heavily on the weather conditions in an area. Prolonged drought or frequent heavy rains may result in reduced harvests, affecting the profitability of apple farming ventures. Farmers must invest in irrigation systems to mitigate the risks of drought and leverage the benefits of good weather conditions.

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Market demand

The market demand for apples in Kenya remains high, and farmers stand to make significant profits if they meet this demand. Apples are popular among consumers due to their nutritional value and unique tastes, and farmers can leverage the growing interest in healthy eating habits. Farmers should employ the right marketing channels to reach their target market and achieve favorable sales.

Here are some key aspects of the apple market in Kenya:

  1. Urban Consumer Demand: Urban centers, particularly major cities like Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu, have a higher demand for apples compared to rural areas. Urban consumers, influenced by changing lifestyles, increased health consciousness, and exposure to international food trends, seek out apples as a nutritious and convenient snack.
  2. Retail and Supermarkets: Apples are widely available in retail stores, supermarkets, and fruit markets across the country. Supermarkets, in particular, play a significant role in driving apple sales and are key distribution channels for fresh produce, including apples. They offer a variety of apple varieties, both imported and locally produced, catering to different consumer preferences.
  3. Imported Apples: Kenya relies heavily on imported apples to meet the demand, especially during off-peak seasons when local production is limited. Countries such as South Africa, China, and the United States are major exporters of apples to Kenya. These imported apples include popular varieties like Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala, and Granny Smith.
  4. Local Apple Production: Kenya also has some local apple production, primarily in the suitable regions mentioned earlier. Local farmers are increasingly venturing into apple cultivation to meet the rising demand and reduce reliance on imports. However, local production is still limited, and meeting the entire market demand solely from local sources is a challenge.
  5. Food Processing Industry: The growing food processing industry in Kenya presents opportunities for apple farmers. Processed apple products such as juices, jams, and dried apple snacks are gaining popularity among consumers. Collaborations with food processors can provide additional market outlets for apples, particularly for the varieties that may not meet the fresh fruit market standards.
  6. Exports: While domestic consumption is the primary focus, there is also potential for exporting apples to neighboring countries in the East African region. With the right quality standards, packaging, and market connections, Kenyan apple farmers can explore export opportunities to countries like Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and South Sudan.

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Cost of production per acre

Land preparation 100,000 Includes clearing the land, grading it, and installing irrigation systems.

Planting material 50,000 Includes the cost of buying apple seedlings, transporting them to the orchard, and planting them.

Irrigation 20,000 Includes the cost of installing and maintaining an irrigation system, as well as the cost of water.

Fertilization 10,000 Includes the cost of buying fertilizer, applying it to the trees, and disposing of the waste.

Pest control 10,000 Includes the cost of buying pesticides, applying them to the trees, and disposing of the waste.

Harvesting 20,000 Includes the cost of picking the apples, packing them, and transporting them to market.

Marketing 10,000 Includes the cost of advertising, selling the apples, and collecting payments.

Total 220,000

Please note that these costs are just estimates and may vary depending on the specific location and conditions.

Profitability per acre

Apple farming in Kenya stands out as one of the most profitable agricultural activities, with farmers reporting significant returns on investment. According to recent reports, some farmers have reported to earn up to Ksh 2 million per acre annually from apple farming. This mainly depends on the factors mentioned above, such as the size of the farm, location, weather conditions, and market demand.

Basically, in a good year, an apple orchard in Kenya can produce an average of 6 to 10 tons of apples per acre. If the average price of apples is Ksh 100 per kilo, then the gross sales from an acre of apple trees would be Ksh 600,000 to Ksh 1,000,000.

The costs of production for an apple orchard in Kenya can vary depending on the size of the orchard, the type of apple trees being grown, and the location. However, the average cost of production for an acre of apple trees is estimated to be Ksh 220,000.

After deducting the costs of production, the net profit from an acre of apple trees in Kenya can be significant. In a good year, the net profit could be Ksh 380,000 to Ksh 780,000.

