Improving your productivity with cost-effective and simple tech solutions as poultry farmer

Farmspeak Technology
3 min readSep 6, 2023

Farmspeak Technology is dedicated to improving your poultry farming operations, and that’s why we’ve prepared this guide on elevating your productivity through cost-effective and straightforward technological solutions. Here are 15 essential tips to boost your efficiency:

  1. Prioritize Biosecurity: Implement well-defined biosecurity measures throughout broiler production, covering pre-placement, during, and post-placement phases. Effective biosecurity practices promote hygiene, control vermin and insects, and minimize disease transmission among your poultry.

2. Minimize Downtime Between Batches: Allow for at least 14 days of downtime with proper cleaning and disinfection between bird placements. This practice reduces disease transmission and prepares the facility for the next batch of birds.

3. Prepare for New Flocks: Prioritize pre-placement preparation before the arrival of a new flock. Consider factors like heaters, floor temperature, temperature and humidity monitoring, ventilation, drinkers, and feeders to prevent losses during brooding and throughout the grow-out period.

4. Combat Coccidiosis: Employ preventive measures against coccidiosis, a disease caused by microscopic intestinal parasites. Innovative technologies that maintain intestinal integrity are crucial for optimal bird performance despite gut health challenges.

5. Supervise Brooding: Given modern genetic advancements and rapid bird growth, the critical brooding phase demands close attention. Ensuring a strong start in poultry production significantly influences future bird health and performance.

6. Manage Litter: The condition of litter in your poultry house directly impacts broiler intestinal health and profitability. Wet litter can foster pathogen growth and lead to intestinal stress and disease. Likewise, overly dry and dusty litter can cause respiratory problems. Consider factors such as litter material, quality, depth, water quality, drinker line management, lighting, ventilation, and temperature to maintain ideal litter conditions.

7. Optimize Water Administration: Clean drinking water accounts for 70–80% of a bird’s daily needs. Providing abundant, clean water reduces challenges and maximizes performance. Factors to consider include water quality, drinker line cleanliness, regular flushing, biofilm and mineral buildup removal, and drinker equipment maintenance.

8. Efficient Feed Management: Ensure birds have easy access to feed. Proper feeder line height, relative to bird height, minimizes feed wastage, prevents feed contamination with litter, and guarantees access for all birds. Quality feed without contaminants like mycotoxins is vital for optimal performance.

9. Adjust Stocking Density: High stocking density and overcrowded conditions can stress birds and negatively impact performance. Consider reducing stocking density throughout the production cycle to alleviate these challenges.

10. Environmental Control: Maintain optimal environmental conditions within the barn, including temperature, humidity, ventilation, and lighting, to promote bird health and productivity.

11. Monitor Transition Periods: Regularly monitor flock activity to detect diseases early. Daily assessments of temperature, humidity, ventilation, and external temperature, as well as tracking feed and water consumption, aid in monitoring the flock’s progress.

12. Equipment Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain equipment to ensure it remains in working order.

13. Mortality Checks: Remove unhealthy birds promptly to minimize the impact on the rest of the flock.

14. Implement Flock Health Management: Develop a tailored health management program for your specific flock.

15. Foster Communication and Teamwork: Strong communication among farm workers is key to successful gut health management and overall poultry farm success.

By implementing these tips and embracing cost-effective technological solutions, you can enhance your productivity and profitability as a poultry farmer. Farmspeak Technology is here to support your journey to success in the poultry farming industry.

