Introducing Penkeep: Conquering Poultry Mortality, One Farm at a Time!

Farmspeak Technology
14 min readJun 1, 2023

Climate change is causing unprecedented alterations to the world, disrupting environmental factors like rainfall and temperature, making them unpredictable. Adverse weather and climatic conditions in Nigeria expose approximately 100 million out of 165 million birds (USDA, 2013) to heat stress. This heat stress leads to a high poultry mortality rate, wastage of resources, and the inability to meet consumer demands for poultry products, which are essential sources of nutrients.

Poultry farming in Nigeria faces significant challenges concerning animal welfare, disease management, and operational efficiency. Farmers struggle with the timely detection of diseases, inadequate environmental control, inefficient feed management, and limited access to real-time monitoring and management tools. These challenges result in reduced productivity, higher production costs, and decreased profitability.

Poultry farmers in Nigeria need a comprehensive technological solution to address these critical issues. They require a system capable of real-time monitoring of animal behaviour, health, and performance metrics while facilitating optimal environmental control within poultry houses. Farmers need a solution that can precisely monitor feed consumption for each bird, identify and prevent illnesses early, and equip them with data-driven insights to make informed decisions.

After careful analysis of the problems faced by poultry farmers in Nigeria, we at Farmspeak Technology have developed a solutions that effectively address the following:

· Heat stress while boosting productivity, improving the local economy, and creating more jobs.

· Difficulties in remote farm monitoring and tracking.

PENKEEP [Conquering Poultry Mortality, One Farm at a Time!]

PENKEEP + 26,000 Watt Add On

PENKEEP is an innovative device designed to reduce poultry mortality on farms by providing comprehensive information on the environmental status of poultry houses. It comprises smart sensor devices that capture poultry environmental data such as temperature and relative humidity. This information is then sent to our algorithm for sophisticated analysis. One fantastic thing with PENKEEP is that farmers do not need to physically be in the poultry house all day with a thermometer because it collects and transmits data continuously, 24/7. You can view this information on your mobile phone or laptop in real-time within seconds. And here’s the most exciting part: if there is an environmental imbalance, such as excessive heat or cold, you will receive instant SMS alerts on your phone, email notifications, and the built-in buzzer will sound. This way, you can quickly adjust the environment to prevent heat or cold stress in your birds.


Picture owning a cutting-edge poultry farm powered by the Internet of Things (IoT). This revolutionary system offers you the following advantages:

  1. Automatically capture temperature, relative humidity, air quality, water level, and water temperature data from your pen.

Penkeep has advanced sensors that automatically capture essential data from your poultry pen. It continuously monitors and records temperature, relative humidity, air quality, water level, and water temperature. The captured data provides valuable insights into your pen’s environmental conditions, allowing you to make data-driven decisions. This automated data collection eliminates manual monitoring, saving you time and effort. By having access to accurate and real-time data, you can quickly identify any deviations or abnormalities, enabling you to take immediate action to maintain optimal conditions for your flock.

2. Alert you in real-time of any issues without needing physical presence.

One of the remarkable features of Penkeep is its real-time alert system. Through advanced connectivity, Penkeep sends instant alerts directly to your mobile device or computer, informing you of any issues or anomalies in your poultry pen. Whether it’s a sudden temperature spike, a drop in humidity, or a water shortage, Penkeep detects these issues and immediately notifies you; you can still manage the farm even if you’re not there in person. This real-time alert system allows you to respond promptly to any emergencies or potential risks, ensuring the well-being of your flock and minimizing any negative impacts. With Penkeep, You can rest assured that you will receive notifications for any updates enabling you to take swift action and prevent any detrimental effects on your poultry farm.

3. Ensure consistent growth and development of birds throughout their lifecycles.

Heat, cold, and physical stress often disrupt the growth process of chickens, turkeys, ducks, and other poultry species. However, PENKEEP effectively eliminates these inconsistencies by promptly notifying you in case of any imbalances.

4. Helps you manage your energy consumption costs.

Rather than burning fuel or using utility bills indiscriminately, you can determine precisely when the environment changes and turn the heating and cooling devices ON or OFF. This highly effective method has been proven to reduce poultry mortality rates by preventing heat and cold stress from building up in the birds.

This poultry productivity solution helps farmers increase their profits dramatically by ensuring more birds reach maturity.


A single PENKEEP unit comes with the following;

1. Five Smart Sensors:

Temperature sensor: The temperature sensor is a crucial component of the PenKeep device. It measures and monitors the temperature within the poultry pen. This sensor helps prevent heat stress during hot weather or extreme cold stress during colder seasons. Farmers can ensure optimal bird well-being and growth conditions by accurately tracking temperature variations. Real-time temperature data enables timely adjustments to maintain a comfortable and suitable environment for the poultry, ultimately promoting their health and productivity.

Penkeep Five Smart Sensors

Humidity sensor: The humidity sensor in the PenKeep device measures the moisture content or relative humidity levels within the poultry pen. Proper humidity levels are essential for the bird’s health and overall development. High humidity can lead to poor air quality, increased disease risk, and reduced productivity. Conversely, low humidity can cause respiratory issues and affect egg production. By monitoring humidity levels, farmers can take necessary actions to control ventilation, adjust water sources, or implement measures to maintain an optimal humidity range conducive to the birds’ well-being.

Air quality sensor: The air quality sensor of the PenKeep device assesses and tracks the air quality within the poultry pen. It measures parameters such as carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, ammonia concentration, and other pollutants that may be present. Poor air quality can negatively impact the birds’ respiratory system, leading to various health problems and decreased productivity. Farmers can proactively identify and address issues related to ventilation, manure management, and other factors affecting air quality with the air quality sensor. By maintaining clean and fresh air, the overall health and performance of the poultry can be significantly improved.

Water level sensor: The PenKeep device includes a sensor that monitors the water level in the poultry pen’s water supply system. Adequate water supply is crucial for the birds’ hydration, digestion, and overall well-being. This sensor helps ensure that water is consistently available to the birds. It alerts farmers when the water level is low, allowing them to take immediate action to refill or replenish the water source. By maintaining optimal water levels, farmers can prevent dehydration, promote proper digestion, and support the overall health of the poultry.

Water temperature sensor: The PenKeep device has a water temperature sensor that measures and tracks the temperature of the water given to poultry. The right water temperature is crucial for the birds’ health and digestion. If the water is too hot or cold, it can discourage them from drinking enough, affecting their hydration and well-being. Farmers can maintain an optimal temperature range with the water temperature sensor, ensuring that the water is just right. It promotes healthy hydration, good digestion, and improved overall poultry performance.

These five sensors together provide farmers with comprehensive real-time data on crucial environmental factors. By actively monitoring and managing temperature, humidity, air quality, water level, and water temperature, farmers can create and maintain optimal conditions for their poultry, leading to improved health, productivity, and profitability.

2. A 26,000 WATT socket Add-on:

The “26,000 WATT socket add-on” is a robust electrical accessory that provides substantial power capacity for various appliances. Each socket within the add-on is designed to handle a power load ranging from 6,000 to 6,600 watts, making it suitable for connecting heaters, coolers, and water pumps.

A 26,000 WATT socket Add-on

The high wattage capacity of the socket add-on makes it an ideal solution for powering multiple high-energy devices simultaneously. Farmers can efficiently manage their heating, cooling, and water pumping systems within their poultry farm or any other relevant setting with this add-on.

Heaters are critical in maintaining a warm and comfortable bird environment, especially during colder seasons. Farmers can easily connect and power heaters by utilizing the socket add-on, ensuring that the temperature within the poultry pens remains optimal for the well-being and growth of the birds.

Similarly, coolers are essential for controlling the temperature during hot weather conditions. The add-on enables farmers to connect and operate cooling devices efficiently, facilitating a comfortable and stress-free environment for the poultry.

Water pumps are crucial for maintaining a constant and adequate water supply within the poultry farm. Farmers can power water pumps effortlessly with the socket add-on, ensuring consistent water circulation and availability for the birds’ hydration and overall health.

The versatility of the 26,000 WATT socket add-on allows farmers to customize their setup according to their specific needs. They can distribute the power load across the individual sockets to balance the electrical load effectively, preventing overload and ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the connected heaters, coolers, and water pumps.

In summary, the 26,000 WATT socket add-on is a powerful electrical accessory that provides ample capacity for connecting heaters, coolers, and water pumps. Its high wattage rating and multiple sockets allow farmers to remotely manage their poultry farm’s temperature control and water supply, creating an optimal environment for the birds’ well-being and productivity.

3. Electricity and battery — POWERED:

The device’s electricity and battery-powered feature offers users convenience and flexibility. The device comes equipped with a 4300 mAh battery that provides a dependable power source. With a single charge, the battery can keep the device running for up to 48 hours, ensuring seamless operation even when no direct power source is available or during power outages.

The battery-powered capability is particularly advantageous for farmers as it provides a reliable backup power source, ensuring that critical functions are maintained even without electricity. This feature offers peace of mind, knowing that the device will continue to operate and monitor essential parameters, such as temperature, humidity, and air quality, regardless of power supply disruptions.

Furthermore, the device can also be powered by solar energy, catering to farmers with solar installations. This capability allows the device to harness the sun’s energy, converting it into power to operate the system. By utilizing solar energy, farmers can reduce their reliance on traditional electricity sources, minimize operational costs, and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to farming.

The option to power the device with solar energy aligns with the increasing adoption of renewable energy solutions in agriculture. It allows farmers to leverage clean and renewable energy sources to power their operations and reduce their carbon footprint.

In summary, the electricity and battery-powered feature of the device, along with the option for solar energy, provides flexibility and reliability to farmers. The built-in battery ensures continuous operation for up to 48 hours on a single charge, while the ability to harness solar energy enables a sustainable and cost-effective power supply. These features make the device suitable for various farm environments, ensuring uninterrupted monitoring and control of critical parameters essential for the well-being and productivity of the poultry.

4. Farm GPS Tracker to show the location of the farm:

The inclusion of a Farm GPS Tracker in the device provides farmers with the ability to locate and track the position of their farms accurately. This feature utilizes Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to determine the geographical coordinates of the farm and display them on a map.

The Farm GPS Tracker offers several benefits to farmers. Firstly, it gives them a precise overview of their farm’s location, which can be particularly useful for large farms or those across multiple areas. By accessing GPS information, farmers can quickly identify the exact position of their farm, enabling efficient navigation and management of their agricultural operations.

Additionally, the Farm GPS Tracker enhances farm security and theft prevention. With the GPS data, farmers can monitor the farm’s location in real-time and receive alerts if the farm moves outside predefined boundaries. This feature effectively guards against theft and unauthorized movement of farm equipment or livestock. In the unfortunate event of theft, GPS data can aid recovery by providing law enforcement authorities with precise location information.

Furthermore, the Farm GPS Tracker enables farmers to optimize logistical operations. By accurately tracking the farm’s location, farmers can plan and streamline transportation routes for the delivery of supplies, the collection of products, or the movement of machinery. It helps to reduce fuel consumption, minimize travel time, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

In summary, the inclusion of a Farm GPS Tracker in the device empowers farmers with the ability to locate and track the position of their farms accurately. This feature provides benefits such as efficient navigation, enhanced security, optimized logistics, and support for precision agriculture practices. By leveraging GPS technology, farmers can effectively manage their farm operations, improve productivity, and make informed decisions based on precise location data.

5. Built-in alarm buzzer for instant imbalance notifications:

The device features a built-in alarm buzzer that provides instant notifications in case of any imbalances or deviations detected within the poultry farm environment. This alarm system is designed to promptly alert farmers of potential issues, ensuring timely intervention and resolution.

The inclusion of the alarm buzzer serves as a proactive measure to mitigate risks and prevent potential harm to the poultry. It is programmed to monitor crucial factors such as temperature, humidity, air quality, water level, and water temperature. If any of these parameters fall outside the predefined optimal range, the alarm buzzer will sound, immediately drawing the attention of the farmers or farm operators.

By receiving instant notifications through the alarm buzzer, farmers can take immediate action to address the identified imbalance. For example, if the temperature in the poultry pen exceeds the desired range, the alarm will sound, alerting the farmer to adjust the ventilation or activate cooling systems. Similarly, if the water level in the pen drops below the required level, the alarm will trigger, signalling the need to refill the water source promptly.

The built-in alarm buzzer greatly enhances farmers’ responsiveness, enabling them to promptly rectify any issues and maintain optimal conditions for the poultry. It eliminates the need for continuous manual monitoring, as the system autonomously detects and notifies imbalances in real time.

Moreover, the instant notifications provided by the alarm buzzer contribute to the overall health and well-being of the poultry. By receiving immediate alerts, farmers can prevent potential disruptions in the growth process and minimize stress factors that may negatively impact the birds’ development. It ensures consistent growth and supports the birds’ overall productivity.

In summary, a built-in alarm buzzer in the device offers farmers an effective and immediate notification system for imbalances within the poultry farm environment. It is an early warning system, enabling timely interventions and adjustments to maintain optimal conditions. By leveraging the alarm buzzer feature, farmers can ensure the well-being and productivity of their poultry, leading to improved outcomes and profitability.

6. Touch screen display for easy visualization of data:

The inclusion of a Touch Screen Display allows for customization and flexibility in data presentation. Farmers can view specific parameters or switch between different display formats based on their preferences and requirements. This adaptability empowers farmers to focus on the most relevant data for their farming needs, improving efficiency and productivity.

The Touch Screen Display provides farmers a simple and visually appealing means to access and interpret the gathered data. It enhances the user experience, facilitates real-time monitoring, and supports informed decision-making.

With its user-friendly interface and customizable display options, the Touch Screen Display offers valuable insights into the farm’s environmental conditions, contributing to the overall success and productivity of the poultry operation.

PS: The water level and temperature sensors are also helpful for farmers with a fish farm:

The water level and temperature sensors incorporated into the device hold significant value for farmers operating fish farms. These sensors offer valuable insights and assistance in managing and maintaining optimal conditions for fish rearing.

Maintaining appropriate water levels is essential for the well-being and growth of fish. Water level sensors play a crucial role in fish farming, providing real-time information about the water levels within the fish tanks or ponds. Farmers can monitor and ensure that the water levels remain within the desired range with the water level sensor. Suppose the water level falls below or rises above the recommended level. In that case, the sensor will promptly notify the farmers, allowing them to take immediate action, such as adjusting the water supply or drainage systems to restore optimal conditions for the fish.

Temperature sensors are equally crucial in fish farming. Different fish species thrive in specific temperature ranges, and maintaining the ideal temperature is vital for their growth and overall health. The temperature sensor enables farmers to monitor the water temperature and receive accurate readings continuously. Suppose the temperature deviates from the optimal range. In that case, the sensor will provide timely alerts, enabling farmers to make necessary adjustments, such as activating heating or cooling systems, to maintain the desired temperature for the fish.

Fish farmers can ensure a conducive environment for their aquatic livestock by utilizing water level and temperature sensors. Maintaining appropriate water levels and temperature promotes fish’s well-being, growth, and reproduction, leading to higher survival rates and improved productivity.

Moreover, these sensors contribute to fish farming operations’ overall efficiency and profitability. With real-time monitoring of water levels and temperature, farmers can proactively address any imbalances or deviations, preventing potential adverse effects on the fish population. It reduces the risk of losses and enables farmers to optimize their resources, resulting in improved profitability.

In summary, the water level and temperature sensors benefit fish farm farmers. These sensors provide real-time data on water levels and temperature, allowing farmers to maintain optimal conditions for fish rearing. By leveraging these sensors, fish farmers can enhance fish health, reduce risks, and optimize their farming practices, ultimately leading to improved productivity and profitability in the fish farming industry.


In modern agriculture, embracing technology is crucial for staying ahead. Embrace the power of Penkeep and revolutionize your farming journey today! “Penkeep empowers you” to be that successful poultry farmer you’ve always dreamed of, offering real-time data, instant alerts, and advanced monitoring solutions. Installing Penkeep on your farm can unlock unprecedented levels of precision, efficiency, and profitability. Say hello to a future where your farm operates at its full potential, guided by data-driven insights and intelligent automation.

Visit our website to place your order or request a demo.

