“No, You Can’t Live on $5 a Day!” — The Real Costs of Being a Digital Nomad

Samuel James White
6 min readSep 9, 2019
Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

Digital nomadism looks like a dream for those from the outside. Anyone who has spent a considerable amount of roaming the world whilst working will tell you there are lots of hidden costs that most guides don’t tell you about.

Remember, we are still running a business no matter where we are in the world. Yes, it’s a real job, and we need to run things like any other professional business.

How digital nomads decide to handle personal and business costs is entirely down to the individual. But the hidden costs of living this lifestyle remain the same.

Here are the costs most people don’t think about when they’re looking through the shop window from across the street.

You may be surprised to find it’s not as cheap to work full-time on the road as you might think.

Our Equipment is Probably More Expensive Than Yours

No, it’s not because most of us are using high-end equipment. We use the same stuff as you, but if something breaks down on the road the chances are we pay more than you to replace it.

Let me explain how it works in different countries.

Some of the cheapest places in the world to purchase electronics are those with high costs of…



Samuel James White

Writer, financial expert, and full-time traveler. Have been on the road for almost five years. Read one of my 35 historical fiction novels under James Farner.