The Four Paths You Can Take to Get Rich Now

Samuel James White
5 min readDec 31, 2019
Photo by Matt Lamers on Unsplash

Rich people have a lot of characteristics in common that make them successful.

Ignore the guides that tell you about the theories rich people have about how they think differently. Most of it is generic advice designed to fill self-help books and Medium articles.

The mindset is simple. It’s about making your money work for you. You don’t particularly need to be a risk-taker. You also don’t need to gamble everything you have on making it big.

How many plumbers, electricians, and accountants do you know who have got rich whilst living relatively ordinary lives?

When you’re on the road to wealth, there are four paths you can take. Sometimes these paths can overlap.

Your path will need to be dangerous, dirty, unpleasant, or highly skilled if you’re going to start making the big bucks.

The Dangerous Path

It goes without saying that those who perform dangerous tasks get compensated for their efforts. Someone working as an engineer on a precarious offshore oil rig will get paid more than someone doing the same job at a cushy location just outside of town.

Few people want to perform a dangerous job, and few will do it for anything less than an extremely generous payslip.



Samuel James White

Writer, financial expert, and full-time traveler. Have been on the road for almost five years. Read one of my 35 historical fiction novels under James Farner.