Tarot reading predictions of sign Pisces for month of August 2023

2 min readJul 27, 2023


Let’s dive into the reading for the first ten days of August. The first card is the Six of Wands, bringing positive energy and a sense of accomplishment. You might feel like you’ve finally overcome challenges and achieved something significant. For some of you, there could be recognition or success in your endeavors, and you’ll be feeling proud. Next, the Clean it Up card suggests that you’ll be taking a closer look at your life and making efforts to declutter and remove things that no longer serve you. This could be in various aspects of your life, including relationships and material possessions. Additionally, there might be a slight dip in energy or some feelings of lethargy, but it’s essential to take care of yourself during this time.

Now, let’s move on to the middle ten days of August. The first card is the Page of Cups, bringing positive energy and opportunities. You might receive a small but meaningful gesture from someone or even an apology. It’s an initiation of something positive and heartwarming. Then we have the Yak card, indicating that this period will be action-oriented and energetic. Things will start to happen, and you’ll feel motivated to take action in various aspects of your life. Additionally, the Fidelity card shows stability and potential support from friends. It’s an overall positive time with opportunities and increased social interactions.

Lastly, let’s look at the last ten days of August. The first card is the Three of Pentacles, signaling collaboration and potential work-related improvements. You might start a new project or partnership that brings financial benefits and advancement in your career or business. The And Now card indicates that you’ll be focused on living in the present moment and not dwelling too much on the past or worrying about the future. It’s a great mindset to embrace. However, there might be a slight glitch or misfortune in some area of your life during this time. It’s essential to stay resilient and adaptable.

In conclusion, August 2023 appears to be a mixed month for you, Pisces. There will be action, positive opportunities, collaborations, and progress in your work or financial situations. Socializing and enjoying the present moment will also be highlighted. Just be mindful of a potential glitch in some area, but overall, things look promising.

