Sometimes it’s not ego it’s self-respect.

4 min readAug 29, 2021

It is imperative that we know that ego and self-respect are not the same thing. Both aspects are found inside us but both being polar opposites of each other (one is the negative aspect and the other is the positive aspect) battle against each other for dominance. Hopefully this article will help guide you and me in letting and helping the right aspect dominate, which will inevitably affect our actions.

Ego is however defined as self-esteem itself. Yet, this term is used in the negative; i.e. ‘you have a big ego’ or stop being so ‘egoistic’ or ‘your ego is the size of an elephant’. Hence ego is actually negative ‘self-esteem’ that some confuse with self-esteem itself.

With that being said, ego is false pride or arrogance. It is to think oneself superior to others. Hence making that person not regard their words or actions to those they inferior. This causes pain and injury, mentally by words and physically by actions-to any beings. These people believe that everybody is a nobody, till he is a somebody. By not paying due respect to others rights, these people commit fraud and obtain their end by ruthless and unfair means. They consider confidence to be mercilessness and rudeness. Some of them even ignorantly consider revealing more of their body, as emboldening or empowering. However before pointing to others, we should look to ourselves first. ‘These people’ could very well be us ourselves if we are not careful.

On the contrary self-respect is a valuable gemstone. It arises from being good, not only to those who are good to us, but to those who are not. By forgiving those who are wicked to us and being kind to them too, we show moral strength. (Excluding cases that need to be reported to authority or be checked at the very least). These are selfless people who work to benefit others. They believe in their potential without scorning others. Hence they compete with themselves, in order to become a better version. Ultimately these people are humble. Nor do they depend on others praise or criticize, in other words they raise their self-esteem by not caring for others opinions or not aiming to do something merely to impress others. They have a higher goal, always opting for the greater good. They also know that covering your body is a source of protection not indicating low self-esteem. As some say that covering yourself indicates low self-confidence, while revealing yourself shows boldness and self-esteem. But these people know that humility, boldness and respecting your body lies in covering it. Showing that you love yourself in the positive way. Covered people feel more secure and confident and they cover themselves eagerly by their own will. Ego brings pride while self-respect is about self-control and worth. Ego is a persistent feeling of self-elation whereby the person is not ready to accept anything that makes him feel inferior. While self-respect is a balance between ‘what I feel’ and ‘what others feel’, ego is self-oriented.

Ultimately, self-respect is when I accept I’m not perfect and I can do better.

However, one side must win, that side needs strength. Just like our muscles gain strength from food and practice (being utilized). Feed one side consistently and it will win, while forcing other to eat dust and disuse.

Ego is fed by being selfish and ungrateful. Laziness not believing in one’s potential and keeping egoistic goals (materialistic one’s) also feeds the ego. But this doesn’t means the selfless, self-respecting person doesn’t fulfill his desires, he just doesn’t go overboard. All of this arises from being ungrateful. The ungrateful person will not be overwhelmed with gratitude, so much so as to feel in his heart that he has to return something to the world. Hence gratitude is the first and the foremost thing to fuel self-respect. Which is further fueled by hard work, accepting and winning challenges and valuing inner beauty more than outer beauty. Hence, the key is to be grateful.

We should increase self-respects in our lives and reduce the ‘Ego’.




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