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Error Handling in Ruby: Part II

Tech - RubyCademy
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018


In this article, we’re going to explore the following topics:

  • the retry keyword
  • custom errors

Feel free to have a look to Error Handling in Ruby: Part I article.

The retry keyword

The retry keyword re-executes the code contained in the begin...end block


retry #1
retry #2
retry #3

Let’s detail the execution flow of this piece of code:

  • the i variable is set to 1
  • the retry #1 is printed
  • a RuntimeError is raised
  • the rescue clause catches the freshly raised RuntimeError
  • the retry keyword is invoked because i < 3

The retry keyword re-executes the code within the begin...end block until i=3.

Note that the begin...rescue...end clause can access variables of the calling scope.

The retry keyword can only be called within a rescue block. Otherwise, a SyntaxtError is raised

irb> retry
SyntaxError: Invalid retry

Custom errors

An error is an instance of a class that includes the Exception class in its ancestor chain.

NB: feel free to have a look to the Ruby Object Model: Part I article if you’re unfamiliar with the ancestor chain in Ruby.

So, we can create a new error type by simply declaring a new class that inherit from a class that includes the Exception class in its ancestor chain


PolicyError: access not granted
UserPolicyError: user unauthorized

Here, the PolicyError class directly inherit from Exception when the UserPolicyError inherits from the PolicyError class.

Now, let’s try to raise a class that doesn’t include the Exception class in its ancestor chain


TypeError (exception class/object expected)

A TypeError is raised if raise gets a class that is not an Exception as argument.

Voilà !

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