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Method Arguments in Ruby: Part I

Tech - RubyCademy
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2018


In this article we’re going to explore the following topics:

  • methods without arguments
  • methods with arguments
  • argument’s default value
  • variadic arguments

methods without arguments

A method can be defined and invoked without an argument

def method_without_arg()
"without arg"
def method_without_arg_and_parentheses
"without arg & parentheses"
irb> method_without_arg
=> "without arg"
irb> method_without_arg()
=> "without arg"
irb> method_without_arg_and_parentheses
=> "without arg & parentheses"
irb> method_without_arg_and_parentheses()
=> "without arg & parentheses"

We invoke the method_without_arg and method_without_arg_and_parentheses methods with and without parentheses.

By convention, prefer to call the method without parentheses. In effect, this syntax “fits” the mechanism of Message Handling that is implemented by Ruby.

NB: feel free to have a look to this article if you’re unfamiliar with the notion of Message Handling in Ruby.

methods with arguments

On the other hand, a method can also be defined and invoked with arguments

def method_with_args arg1
"with args: #{arg1}"
def method_with_args_and_parentheses(arg1)
"with args & parentheses: #{arg1}"
irb> method_with_args 'an argument'
=> "with args: an argument"
irb> method_with_args('an argument')
=> "with args: an argument"
irb> method_with_args_and_parentheses 'an argument'
=> "with args & parentheses: an argument"
irb> method_with_args_and_parentheses('an argument')
=> "with args & parentheses: an argument"

We invoke the method_with_args and method_with_args_and_parentheses methods with and without parentheses.

A space between the method name and the first argument is required when the latter one is not surrounded by parentheses.

arguments’ default values

You can supply a default value for an argument. In this case, if a value for the argument isn’t supplied, then the default value will be used instead

def method_with_default_value(newsletter = '')
"The Ruby newsletter is #{newsletter}"
irb> method_with_default_value 'awesome'
=> "The Ruby newsletter is awesome"
irb> method_with_default_value
=> "The Ruby newsletter is"

If the argument newsletter isn’t passed at the method call, then the default value is used as the value of the newsletter parameter.

Otherwise, the passed value at the method call is used.

variadic arguments

Ruby methods can support variable-length argument lists

def method_with_varargs *names
puts names.class, "\n"
names.each {|name| puts name}
irb> method_with_varargs 'Mehdi', 'John', 'Sam'

In the above example, we can see that by prepending an argument name with an * (a.k.a the splat operator), the defined method can accept a variadic number of arguments.

All the arguments passed at the method call will be stored in an array contained in the argument variable — the names variable in the above example.

Part II

In part 2 we’ll cover the following topics:

  • keyword arguments
  • block as argument

Feel free to have a look at the Part II.

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