Gratitude Letter(A Gift Overdue)

Farva Ghaffar
2 min readNov 8, 2019



Thank You🙇‍♀️

Gratitude is a state of giving appreciation and to receive kindness in return. It is an emotion of happiness and grateful moments are more likely to present. So we can gratitude is a trait. The power of being grateful is unbelievable. It leads us towards positive attitude. So gratitude must be one of the core values. It increases self satisfaction and lower burden of our mind. It makes our relationship more and more strong. So we should become our habit to thank you other in our daily routine.

A task is given to me by Amal Academy during my fellowship that I have to become my habit to thank you others for every little thing. So I started to write a gratitude letter for my best friend and for my sister and send them this gratitude letter.

I say thank you to them for being always with me through my thick and thin. They were so surprised as usually I never give them such gratitude letter before. They were not believed that I made this letter for them. They gave me prayers thanks in return.

The experience of giving thanks to them was so amazing. This act made me cheerful and calm. Because I didn’t do things like that before. I think we should embrace other people that make some effort for us, in our difficult time. I am really grateful for all blessings in my life.


