aLL: The Plus Size Store launched its campaign — What’s your Plus Point this week. The campaign focuses on the various ‘plus points’ on being a plus size person and aims to shed the negativity associated with it.

As part of the campaign, aLL has launched its first ever TVC that celebrates plus size and all the best points attached to it.

In the ad, various plus-sized people come forward to confidently celebrate the ‘plus-points’ of their lives. It gives an insight into the minds of such extremely positive people who are proud of their appearance, confident of their abilities and revel in the benefits that come with being plus sized. aLL

Talking about the campaign, Hetal Kotak, CEO, aLL, said, “aLL has been a pioneer in the Plus Size Fashion Industry. Despite huge demand, the category has never created real and relevant conversations with and about the consumers. We decided to celebrate our consumer’s confidence and style. Merely getting our audience to notice us wasn’t enough. Our challenge was to first change people’s perception & attitude towards plus size and then partner our consumer’s need to look stylish & fashionable.”

Joy Ghoshal, Director and Chief Creative Strategist, Marching Ants, said, “Our idea was to devise a head-on approach that showcased the plus points of being plus-sized; which aren’t just physical, but also a confident state-of-mind. The idea was to depict our audiences with a positive and confident persona that reflects in their life choices because we see them as our ambassadors.

The TVC will be played acrossGenres like GEC, News, EnglishEntertainment & Movies along with a few regional channels. It will also be played during the upcoming IPL match telecasts.




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