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Buy LGD 4033 | Example of Loss Given Default

2 min readJan 31, 2020


Imagine a borrower takes out a $400,000 loan for a condo. After making installment payments on the loan for a few years, the borrower faces financial difficulties and defaults when the loan has an outstanding balance, or exposure at default, of $300,000. The bank forecloses on the condo and is able to sell it for $240,000. The net loss to the bank is $120,000 ($600,000 — $480,000), and the LGD is 20% ($600,000 — $480,000)/$600,000).

In this scenario the expected loss would be calculated by the following equation: LGD (20%) X probability of default (100%) X exposure at default ($600,000) = $120,000. If the financial institution were projecting out a potential but not certain loss, the expected loss would be different. Using the same figures from the scenario above, but assuming only a 50% probability of default, the expected loss calculation equation is: LGD (20%) X probability of default (50%) X exposure at default ($600,000) = $60,000.

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