Published inDiary of the ResistanceOpen Letter to Vice President Biden, Gov Cuomo, Sens Schumer and Gillibrand, Rep Jeffries, and…Dear Vice President Biden, Governor Cuomo, Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, Representative Jeffries, and Mayor de Blasio,Jun 1, 2020Jun 1, 2020
Published inInside Influencer MarketingPressing Pause on InstagramLately Instagram has been giving me pause, and I had to figure out why. It’s starting to feel like an old-school Little Italy, where each…Feb 26, 2020Feb 26, 2020
Published inDiary of the Resistance{2/18/19} Reactions to AmazonThis past Thursday Amazon announced they were cancelling their plans to put an HQ2 in New York City. I, like many other people, have an…Feb 18, 2019Feb 18, 2019
Published inInside Influencer MarketingThe Surprising Power of NOThis one is for the influencers…Dec 12, 2018Dec 12, 2018
Published inDiary of the ResistanceStray Thoughts on Hamilton and American MobilityI recently saw Hamilton, and had an emotionally visceral reaction. I posted it to Facebook. Reposting here, for visibility and posterity.Dec 12, 2018Dec 12, 2018
Why I Support Cynthia Nixon for New York(and a mini-meditation on being qualified)May 2, 2018May 2, 2018
Published inInside Influencer Marketing“Influencer Fraud” is a Problem of MeasurementMarketers and influencers are speaking different languages and dealing in conflicting currencies.Feb 5, 2018Feb 5, 2018
Published inDiary of the Resistance{7/15/17} Race to the BottomIn the Trump area I think we’re learning how much of America’s democracy is built on norms and precedent. Or if we’re not learning it now…Jul 15, 2017Jul 15, 2017
Published inDiary of the Resistance{Drafted 6/19/17} Identity Politics is a CorrectionToday I read “Why social media is terrible for multiethnic democracies”, which was originally published at some point in 2016, but updated…Jul 15, 2017Jul 15, 2017
Published inDiary of the Resistance{6/18/17} Not Not Not Reading the NewsReal talk: I’m behind on the news. I thought I was going to catch up yesterday, but then I didn’t want to. I had all these articles queued…Jun 18, 2017Jun 18, 2017