7 Secrets of the Well-Known Developers

Faisal Fida
6 min readJul 4, 2020


Developing isn’t just about software or application. Developing is an art and a complete set of rules which makes you growing and becoming more mature, advanced, or elaborate. Writing, debugging, and executing the source code of a software application could be done by anyone but there are more things in life that You should follow and act upon to get a real success in life.

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

Today, I’m gonna share with you guys 7 Secrets from the popular and admired Software Developers -which they applied in their life to maintain and get the real thrill from their life.

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.

1: Think Before Start

This is a very common problem, I found in many android and software developers that they don’t know the exact path that they’ve to follow for next 4 or 5 or 6 years of training or coaching. They just start and then reports problem like They don’t be able to mess with Kotlin or C++. As these are the basic languages for developing Android software. In this big field, another Big Challenge that Developers face in the Android Platform is known as Software Fragmentation: Google released a new version of Android with several new features and enhancements each year, and here comes the innovation that they could not bear and try to get rid of it. Absence of Standard User Interface (SUI) for Android, Increasing App Visibility and Patent/Copyright Issues are also faced by the developers

Google states that “Android apps can be written using Kotlin, Java, and C++ languages”

Thus, In my opinion, Think of the consequences before you act.

2: Take a Break From Work

Here, I’m not talking about the short 35 minutes break, Rather, You’ve to go for a long and luxurious break, a relaxing and simple one which will affect your productivity and make it boost.

Look, Getting a job can be daunting enough, but it can be even more unnerving when you haven’t take a break from work.

3: They code because they’ve enough Motivation

Look, I’m fully against that shi* a word but reality is that one should have something or someone he or she could crave for -that could make him or her proceed towards his dream. That could be anything it could be your strict boss, it could be a leisure home or anything that you don’t have in your current life. But doesn’t mean that you just have to work for that external shi*s Instead you should have inner support of yourself. If you’ve read my previous article on Medium. In that article, I’ve defined and declared that In Today’s age not a single man has time for himself. So just start with motivation but end with the inspiration, that inspiration will kick you to restart your work.

Photo by Irene Strong on Unsplash

Yes, You could be able to start and will also continue with the work, but the thing, the reason that could make you reactivate to work the same job, is your inner self, inspiration, or your emotional voice…!!

4: They don’t trust any “Fastest way to become a software developer”

Any developer, who is on a specific position had struggled in his life, and some soo called YouTubers are also here to tell you the (F***** way) Like Seriously..!

You just don’t need any shortcut to do your job, rather than going to youtube and watch some tips & tricks tackle your mind with the real problems. Solve them, creat them, and Forward them so others can also get something from it.

5: They Believe “It’s all Just Begun! “


That was one of my Favourite..!!

When you start your profession or your job or career this is a WAR. The war where you’ve to make your path from already available Pro Developers, the Developers who had knowledge and experience of 5 or 10 years in this particular field. So, for this war, you just had to take away from them and prove yourself. You don’t need to worry about anything, instead, they should worry about you.

6: They don’t wish for Leaving

Do you remember your school days..??

When the last lecture just going to end, our heartbeats going high and fast and then the bell rung! That satisfaction or happiness..!!

Everyman on our planet tries hard to get rid of unpleasant things that are soo called boredness the one that causes tiredness and dullness to us. Remember that just happening to us on our mind level, there is no physical reason for it.

The point behind Explaining all those things is just that “You should choose wisely”

Your Profession

Your Passion

Your Desires

Your Occupation

Your Job

All that in the list is the same name of one single thing that is: Dream

Do you even think you don’t have any interest in this field you are going to..??


Because interest is something that is quite genuine & original. It is sometimes our passion & sometimes it acts as a source of motivation for doing certain things.

Photo by Pietra Schwarzler on Unsplash

If you are really interested in something then there’s nothing like knowing it because you can feel the calling for it. If this is not the case then it is right to assume that you have a temporary desire or wish to do that thing.

7: “Life is a journey, not a destination.” –Ralph Waldo

You are never too old or young to try or learn something new, and learning doesn’t have to involve being in a classroom.

The biggest secret if you want to know from the Billionaires

1: Richard Branson: “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

1: Steve Jobs: “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”

3: Mark Zuckerberg: “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

4: Bill Gates: “Learning is a Lifelong Process”

5: Steve Jobs: “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

Photo by Scott Higdon on Unsplash

6: Richard Branson: “One learns from books and example only that certain things can be done. Actual learning requires that you do those things.”

A lot of people want to be successful, there is a huge difference between wanting-to and willing-to.

Are you willing to work towards your success? Do you think you have it in you to be what you want to be? Do you need any help? Of course, I would not be able to help you monetarily 😉.

Which of these success secrets will you act on today? Please do share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.



Faisal Fida

I’m Faisal Fida, an ordinary guy with a strong craving of Becoming a Data Scientist | Current Psychology, Tech & Lifestyle Content Creator at @faisal-fida