Four minimum requirements for Success which no one can Prove Wrong

3 min readMay 2, 2022


There is one thing common in all cultures of man and among all the members of that culture. That is their Will to Succeed.

Keeping in view its essence I am showing you its gateways but the traits would be the minimum requirement and The success I am referring to is not a temporary success but a permanent one(success in this world and the hereafter).

  1. Faith

As long as one have no trust in his Creator he will never be able to achieve permanent success.After having trust in Creator’s Divine Guidance through the Quran and the Sunnah, then to oneself and then to ones team he can perform and achieve anything and defeat any of his rivals irrelevant of their backgrounds.

2. Good Deeds

If one have his trust but he is doing is not correct and good, then also he can never succeed. He may seem to be successful by temporary comforts but he would gain no permanent success at the end for any wrong deeds and will be accountable for his doings. On the other hand if he keeps on doing what is right, correct and good; he can never fail on his path and what he will achieve would be on permanent basis, provided that if he has Faith, Patience and Righteousness in him.

3. Righteousness

If there is no righteousness(true path) in ones Life, then by one way or other he is going to loose in this world and the world hereafter unless or until he introduces it into his Life.

4. Patience

To get something you have to give something .

The thing which one gives makes him better and more capable than yesterday, to reach to his willed goal provided if he follows the conditions of Faith, Good deeds and Righteousness.

These were the four minimum requirements for Permanent Success.

Now, you might be thinking how I knew this and why these cannot be proved wrong?

This is because they are stated in The Divine Knowledge and Guidance From The Creator “The Quran” in Surah Al-Asar(Chaper#103)

Thankyou for your reading. Be a reason to spread Love and Easiness.




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