Navigation In Jetpack Compose

Fasil T
2 min readDec 22, 2022


To navigate from one screen to another using Jetpack Compose’s Navigation component, you will need to do the following:

  1. Add a NavHost to your app's layout. The NavHost will act as a container for your app's screens, and it will handle the navigation between them.

2. Define the screens that you want to navigate between as composables. Each screen should be a composable function that returns a @Composable element.

3. Create a Navigator object that defines the navigation between the screens. The Navigator object should specify the composables that represent the screens, as well as the actions that should be taken when navigating between them.

4. Use the findNavController function to get a reference to the NavController for the NavHost.

5. Call the navigate function on the NavController to navigate to a different screen.

Here’s an example of how you can use these steps to navigate from one screen to another:

// Define the screens as composables
fun HomeScreen() {
// Home screen content goes here
Button(onClick = {
// Navigate to the profile screen when the button is clicked

fun ProfileScreen() {
// Profile screen content goes here

// Create a Navigator object that defines the navigation between the screens
val navigator = Navigator {
composable("home_screen") {
composable("profile_screen") {

// Add a NavHost to the app's layout
NavHost(navigator = navigator) {
// NavHost content goes here

In this example, we’ve defined two screens: HomeScreen and ProfileScreen. We've also created a Navigator object that defines the navigation between these screens.

When the user clicks the button in the HomeScreen, the navigate function is called on the NavController, and the app navigates to the ProfileScreen.

Happy Coding!

