Frank Assu
4 min readNov 9, 2018

OneTeamGovCanada — Global Unconference: Victoria, BC

Have you heard? There is a OneTeamGov Global Unconference coming to Victoria, BC on May 21, 2019 at the Victoria Conference Centre.

Victoria Inner Harbour and Parliament Building (Google Image)

If you haven’t heard about the OneTeamGov movement, it is a global community, working together to radically reform the public sector through practical action. We’re driven by optimism and the desire to make things better, and united by a set of core principles.

Back on July 16, 2018 there was a OneTeamGov Global unconference in London, England. This was one of the first events that followed the hugely successful Policy Community Conference in Ottawa on March 28–29, 2018 where Kit Collingwood presented to a packed house in Canada what the OneTeamGov movement is all about. It was at this conference in Ottawa that the OneTeamGovCanada movement took shape.

I was at the Policy Community Conference, and had the opportunity to see Kit Collingwood in the foyer of the National Arts Centre. After hearing all the talk after the conference about the OneTeamGov movement I investigated it further as I was not able to attend her presentation.

I immediately fell in love with this movement as I shared many of the principles, such as working in the open and positively, taking practical action, experimenting and iterating, and being diverse and inclusive to name a few.

I was not able to attend the July conference in London, England as my family had already planned a Canadian Maritime holiday about the same time. After making lots of new friends who were going to London, I shared my regret at not being able to attend through Twitter, and many people sympathized with me. One of the most important replies came from my good friend Ioana Finichiu, from Ottawa, Ontario, suggesting that I host the next global unconference in Canada, that way I would be able to attend, and contribute.

Interesting, could I do this? Would I have the time? How will I accomplish this? These were just some of the questions running through my mind. After speaking with my wife about these thoughts over the weekend, I decided that we could organize a conference and do it in Canada.

I shared my thoughts with my friends/colleagues and decided to post my intent on Twitter. With so much support and encouragement, it went live early in July 2018.

So, a OneTeamGov Global unconference is coming to Canada, but where will it take place?

I live in Comox, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia (BC). Which is one of the most beautiful places on the island, but nowhere near as beautiful as Victoria, BC. Victoria is the capital city of BC, it sits on the southern tip of Vancouver Island and is truly filled with beauty on all sides.

Image courtesy of @mars_romer

In my opinion, this conference should be located outside of Ottawa, or any of the other major city centers in Canada (Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal). Whenever anyone speaks/thinks/talks about Canada one of their first thoughts is of Ottawa, the capital city of Canada. Whenever BC is spoken about most people think of Vancouver, which is the economic center of the province and the largest city in BC.

I feel that there are so many other regions in BC and Canada that could be showcased instead of the default cities mentioned earlier. We plan on hosting the OneTeamGov Global unconference in May 2019, this one of the best times to be in Victoria. Due to the mild winter weather, and being situated at the end of the island surrounded by water on three sides; Victoria benefits from a drier climate than most of the province. Spring comes early to Victoria, with cherry blossoms, azaleas, and other flowering trees/plants coming out of their winter slumber. Victoria turns into a gorgeous display of Mother Nature.

Image courtesy of @janhallcreative

I felt that Victoria, would be the ideal setting for people within Canada, and outside of Canada to experience a new location that is not usually the first place people want to visit for business or vacation trips.

I wanted people to see that there is more to our country than it’s capital city as beautiful as it is; to see other locations than our major city centers; and to see that parts of the country that demonstrates all that is Canadian.

Victoria has everything that could be asked for in a host city; large conference center, numerous accommodations, amazing waterfront views, beautiful vistas, intriguing history, abundant Indigenous heritage, and a unique island lifestyle.

Victoria Conference Centre (Google Images)

We look forward to hosting you from wherever you come from in Beautiful Victoria, BC.