Major Reasons Behind the Failure of a Restaurant

The Fast Bite
2 min readDec 5, 2016


There are a number of reasons why many restaurants fail. The nature of taking a risk is part of every business venture, but not all businesses have to end in failure. It is a fact that the restaurant failure rate is much higher than other types of businesses. Sadly, most restaurants fail in just their first year of operation.

Your restaurant has a large chance of failure if you don’t look at how you are doing business from all angles, especially from the point of view of your customers. If you fail to live up to the expectations of your customers, your business can suffer a great deal. Giving customers what they want is essential to any successful operation.

For example, some studies show that having too many food items in a restaurant that change too often can be one major cause behind failure. An owner needs to be sensitive to all of the factors that may cause their customers to become displeased. The following are some of the main reasons why so many restaurants seem to fail:

  • Bad Economy: When the economy is in a poor overall state, people do not like to spend money on restaurants and because of that, many go out of business.
  • Bad Food: The poor quality of food is a big factor when talking about restaurant failure. People’s standards are higher than ever, and low quality food doesn’t make the cut.
  • Bad Service: If your customers are not treated with respect by your staff, they will certainly stop supporting your business.
  • Poor Management: When the employees of a restaurant are not given proper direction, they are unable to work up to the customers’ expectations.
  • Apart from this, owning a restaurant or working in a restaurant requires a lot of passion. You must be up to date with the likings of the customers and their expectations of your services. The growth of your business depends on the satisfaction level of the customers from your services.

