Interesting points you need to know before bringing an ESA Home

Fast ESA Letter
5 min readNov 30, 2021


ESA is not a common term that you can listen to regularly. You must have an Idea that is something related to pets, Right? It’s normal to find people who are advised to adopt an Emotional Support Animal by their therapists, but they have no idea what basically is an ESA? and how they will help them.

Suppose you are one of them and spend hours on the internet to learn about ESA before adopting them and bringing them home. Believe us, you came to the right place, and keep reading.

Firstly, let us puzzle out the term “ESA” for you.

So, What is an ESA?

An ESA is a short-term of Emotional Support Animals. To be frank, ESA is just a clunky term for regular pets that can help you emotionally. The exact definition goes as;

Animals that help the patients suffering from disorders as per DSM-V ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) to heal with their emotional assistance are emotional support animals. Now, DSM-V includes many disorders like; anxiety, stress, depression, etc.

We hope we have simplified this ESA term for you. However, if you want to bring an ESA home, this information won’t be enough. We have listed out a few interesting points that you need to know before adopting an ESA. These goes as;

1. An ESA can help you mentally as well as physically:

As mentioned earlier, emotional support animals have a remarkable ability to alleviate symptoms of any type of mental illness like stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Some studies have even shown better blood pressure, sugar level, and normalizing heart rate in pet owners.

However, did you know that petting an animal can help you physically too? Understand it that way, when you have a pet, you have to take it on a morning walk, bathe them, prepare food for them, and as many of them like to play, that too will add up as your workout. All these activities can help you to keep mentally as well as physically fit.

2. Almost any animal can be an ESA:

It’s a common belief that only a Dog and a cat can be an ESA. Nevertheless, ESA laws state that almost any pet can be an ESA from dog to rabbit and pig to horse as long as your need of getting an ESA is genuine. So, you can certify any animal irrespective of shape, size, or breed as your ESA.

3. There are federal ESA laws to protect ESA and ESA owners:

You will be amazed after hearing that the government understands that an ESA’s purpose is way bigger than any normal pet. That’s the reason why They came up with laws to guard ESA and ESA owners.

There are two laws: The Fair Housing Law, which allows ESA owners to stay with their ESAs on any rental property without paying any extra charges.

The second ACAA, Air Carrier Acess Act, allows you to take your pet wherever you go on flights. However, now only limited airlines allow ESA to fly on their planes.

4. You need Legitimate ESA certification to savor ESA laws:

The government requests ESA owners to certify their pets as ESA with a legitimate ESA letter from proper management of ESA laws. You can show this ESA letter to your landlord to have legal access to stay with your pet in your rental apartment. Similarly, airlines also demand this ESA letter before letting pets enter on planes.

5. ESA certification or ESA letter needs to be approved by a state-licensed Health professional:

You cannot get an Emotional Support Animal Letter from any supermarket or grocery store. It is a legal document, so it’s obvious it needs to be approved by some trusted source. That’s why the government confirms the authenticity of an ESA letter when it is signed and attested by a state-licensed LMHP, a licensed mental Health professional.

6. Getting an ESA letter is an easy process:

It’s a common myth that you have to visit a clinic and wait for days to get an ESA letter. Though, The Fast ESA letter has simplified ESA letter service by making it online. You can apply for an ESA application at home and get it on the same day.

The process goes as;

  • Apply online by filling up your and your pet’s basic details.
  • Connect with state-licensed ESA therapists for the evaluation process on a max 20-minute audio call.
  • Collect your ESA after the approval via mail on the same day and hard copy after 2 to 3 business days.

7. There is no need to train an ESA:

If just a pet’s presence around helps you emotionally and mentally, that’s enough for them to be your ESA. Neither you need to train your pet to qualify them as an ESA. Your slobby pet is fit to be an ESA as long as they have unconditional love to offer you.

8. An ESA is not a Service Animal.

Many people misunderstood Service animals as ESA. The primary difference between Service Animals and ESA is training. Psychiatric service dogs are given extensive special training for people who have any type of disability due to their mental condition. Whereas, Emotional support animals are just normal pets that can heal their owners with just their companionship.

9. You can bring your ESA to work, Airbnb and College:

An ESA letter for housing can give you access to bring your ESA to Airbnb, school, and even college. The same can provide you with access to bring it to the workplace, although the employee is not obliged to permit you to get ESA to work. However, an ESA letter marks and highlights the importance and necessity of ESA in your life and that can plus your ESA request.

10. You don’t need any unique accessories to certify your pet if you have an ESA letter:

Many fake ESA registration sites offer emotional support animal registration by giving your pets fancy collars, vests, and tags. However, laws don’t demand an ESA to wear these accessories; they ask for a legitimate ESA letter signed by a state-licensed therapist. ESA registration is just a bogus service that doesn’t offer any protection from the government.

If you are new to petting, we welcome you into the world of ESA, where we love our pets and get emotional benefits from them at the same time. A human and a pet is a win-win partnership, love for love, affection for affection, and care for care. Choose an animal you want, certify them with an ESA letter, and gain a relationship that will profit you all your life.



Fast ESA Letter

Get an emotional support animal letter signed by state licensed physician. The Letter will help you to live and fly with your ESA, free of cost.