Who is the Best Personal Trainer in San Francisco?

Fast Pace PT
3 min readDec 11, 2019


The beautiful Golden Gate Bridge, inspiring !

San Francisco and the Bay Area is a hotbed of athletic types, people who work out, and overall just an active outdoorsy type of folk. After all, just walking around the city can raise your heart rate to the point of a heart attack going up Nob Hill or Pacific Heights.

Whether you’re working at a company or for a startup staying fit is crucial and I’ve tried my fair share of personal trainers in this beautiful city. I’ve worked with several that had nice programs but some were just insanely expensive, like 300 dollars an hour. Some also barked orders at me. Some I felt were unqualified. I’m going to let you in on a little secret and who I use. I use this personal training company that’s all over the bay but is convenient to use here right in the city. I use Fast Pace Pt, a great group of guys that whipped me in to shape like whip cream.

I’ve worked with several of the trainers and I can either go to them or some even come to my home in San Francisco, https://www.fastpacept.com/trainers as you can see there are lots of trainers and all the guys are caring, and listen. They work with you personally and are patient yet also pressing and just the right amount in between.

Honestly if you’re starting out just do their 7 day fat blast challenge, it’ll kick your ass and get you going fast and honestly shed a couple pounds and get your body working again. Do that then maintain with a trainer and you’re good to go.

I had such a good experience that I thought I’d write a cute medium post on a lifestyle Personal Training team in SF that is really a joy to workout with. Give em a call and tell them Scotty said that you want the 7 day fat blast challenge and you’re ready to put in some work haha call: (402) 301–9167

P.S. Not only are they the best Personal Trainers in San Francisco or the bay area but, they have online programs too! If you’re one of those dang techies that want’s an app just to breathe!

cheers and shed off some of that house of prime rib fat ;)

Other people agree too:

“Lost 4% body Fat

Yes, it was difficult at times but I took it just one day at a time. I broke up the challenge into smaller challenges. I have never had a problem with staying lean until I turned 40 and now at 42 realized that my habits needed to change.

This provided me with the knowledge and tools to maintain and make bigger gains in the future.

This also taught me that the diet is 80% and workout is 20%.

I was also thoroughly impressed with John’s responsiveness to individual questions and support. This was not easy and am super proud of myself.”

Powerful testimonial of a friend. Honestly don’t waste your time going elsewhere.

