Ah yes, winter in Michigan

Vader Schapen
2 min readJan 6, 2016


Every year in January I ask the same question, “why do I live in Michigan?” Winter sucks!

You know, it’s not really that bad! I took this photo out our back door last week after some “lake effect snow.” One of the benefits of living along Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan, the snow making machine! I grew up with it, you would think that after 48 years I would be used to it, and expect it.

As I look at this picture, yes, there are no leaves and it’s cold. However, if you look really closely, there are two deer in the picture. I know, it’s like looking for Waldo, but trust me they’re there. I do like this time of the year when I see the deer in the woods. Our dogs love it too, and I’m sure our neighbors do when the dogs are loving it at 2:00am!

I used to love the snow! I would go skiing and snowmobiling, now I think I’m going to die when the temperature is below freezing.

It’s all about my attitude. I CHOOSE to complain and be miserable when it’s cold. There are benefits to the cold such as you burn more calories when it’s cold, and no mosquitoes, my summer enemy! I should CHOOSE to be glad it’s cold! It’s refreshing and no bugs!

Besides, in only 4 months it will be warm again!

